[Qt-interest] Using dbus type 'aay' with qdbusxml2cpp

Kybernetik Kollektiv kybernetikkollektiv at googlemail.com
Tue Jul 20 02:34:06 CEST 2010


I need to access the method 'AddServer' from interface
'org.freedesktop.Avahi.EntryGroup'. This method is define in

>    <method name="AddService">
>      <annotation name="com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In8" value="BreitArray"/>
>      <arg name="interface" type="i" direction="in"/>
>      <arg name="protocol" type="i" direction="in"/>
>      <arg name="flags" type="u" direction="in"/>
>      <arg name="name" type="s" direction="in"/>
>      <arg name="type" type="s" direction="in"/>
>      <arg name="domain" type="s" direction="in"/>
>      <arg name="host" type="s" direction="in"/>
>      <arg name="port" type="q" direction="in"/>
>      <arg name="txt" type="aay" direction="in"/>
>    </method>

As one can see, the argument 'txt' is of type 'aay', means array of
array of byte. To handle this my first attempt was to do the
>    <annotation name="com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In8" value="QList<QByteArray>"/>

But qdbusxml2cpp didn't like that, so I created a new header file
'mytypes.h' containing this:

>    typedef QList<QByteArray > BreitArray;

With this qdbusxml2cpp successfully creates my new interface-class. To
its constructor I added:

> qDBusRegisterMetaType<BreitArray>();

The program compiles and runs, but on calling 'AddService' the method
replies with:
Error name: "org.freedesktop.Avahi.InvalidServiceTypeError"
Error message: "Invalid service type"

Searching google, it turned out that there are a few others with the
same problem unsolved. So, does anyone have a solution for this?


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