[Qt-interest] Getting QVariant from QPixmap...and a strange operator!

Mandeep Sandhu mandeepsandhu.chd at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 07:21:09 CEST 2010

Hi All,

I had a requirement where I need to return a QPixmap as a QVariant (in
the data() function of my custom model).

I have a QCache object which stores the Pixmaps and a key is used to
retrieve them.

I'm using the following code to return the pixmap wrapped in a QVariant:

QPixmap *pix = m_cache.object(key); // The object for this key exists here
return QVariant(*pix);

Is this the correct way of returning the pixmap?

The QPixmap doc mentions an operator which is used for this purpose:

QPixmap::operator QVariant () const

Returns the pixmap as a QVariant.

I didn't quite understand this! Which "operator" are we talking about
here? Why doesn't it have a return value or is the QVariant the return

Any pointers are appreciated.


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