[Qt-interest] QPainter::RenderHints

Arnold Krille arnold at arnoldarts.de
Tue Jul 20 09:41:04 CEST 2010

On Tuesday 20 July 2010 04:39:04 Jeffery MacEachern wrote:
> According to the documentation[1], setting the QPainter::Antialiasing
> flag "indicates that the engine should antialias edges of primitives
> if possible".  What exactly does "if possible" mean?  How does Qt
> determine whether or not it should "take the hint", if you will?
>     - Jeffery MacEachern
> [1]: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/qpainter.html#RenderHint-enum

That depends on whether the rendering engine supports it (on that specific 
platform). Could be it does the rendering in hardware, could be it calculates 
the anti-aliasing in software, could be it simply discards the hint.

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