[Qt-interest] QtCreator && Autopackaging for Maemo

Jeffery MacEachern j.maceachern at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 00:13:04 CEST 2010

When using QtCreator to package Maemo apps, the "Create Package" step
configuration in the Project settings view does not allow me to remove
the default install target it adds.  In this case, I'm building a
library, yet Creator expects to find an "app" target (in this case
"vnsupport" instead of "libvnsupport.so", and it will fail to build no
matter what.  Short of adding a dummy file with that name to make it
happy (if that even works), is there any other way I can coerce it
into packaging libraries by themselves?  I suspect the answer is that
I should package it properly, but messing with Debian packaging is
 - Jeffery MacEachern

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