[Qt-interest] New Book: Advanced Qt Programming

Peter Nunn pnunn at infoteq.com.au
Wed Jul 21 13:00:00 CEST 2010

Already have, but its going to take ages to get to OZ...


On Wed, 21 Jul 2010 8:16:06 pm Mark Summerfield wrote:
> Hi,
> I am delighted to announce that a new book, "Advanced Qt Programming"
> (ISBN 0321635906), is now available in the U.S., and soon elsewhere.
> The book is aimed at existing C++/Qt programmers and covers ideas and
> techniques that are too advanced or specialized (but not necessarily
> difficult) for a first book on Qt.
> The book shows best Qt 4.6 practices (and in almost every case has
> #ifdefs in the source code to show the Qt 4.5 way). In view of Qt's vast
> size the book covers a _selected_ range of topics, but also packs in an
> amazing amount of incidental detail that should prove interesting and
> useful.
> The book's web page is: http://www.qtrac.eu/aqpbook.html
> The page has the table of contents, links to download the complete
> (GPL-licensed) source code for the examples, a link to the sample
> chapter and links to online booksellers. (The amazon.com page has
> additional information about the book in the "Editorial Reviews"
> section.)
> I hope you'll take the time to look at it---and better still buy it!

Peter Nunn
InfoTeq Pty. Ltd.
0412 174 230

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