[Qt-interest] How to set up multiplle number of GUI

Kimmo Viitanen kviitanen at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 19:47:52 CEST 2010

> Clicking on these two buttons will set up different GUI as they refer to
> objects of different classes.
> For this, I have to start separate event processing loops for the two
> classes.
> This means i need to create separate QApplication objects for the two
> classes

If you need a separate QApplication object, then clearly you are
talking about separate
applications altogether. Why do you need separate event loops for the two GUIs?
Should the original GUI be inaccessible when those two are visible? In
that case just
hide the original GUI or use a modal dialog.

If you simply need to display multiple windows, then simply display the windows.
There is no need for multiple event loops for displaying and
interacting with multiple windows.


Kimmo Viitanen

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