[Qt-interest] dynamic layout changes

Sajjad dosto.walla at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 00:48:19 CEST 2010

Hello forum,

I am attached a screen-shot in the following link:


You can see that i have a QGroupBox named "Command Manipulation Window" and
inside this i have several labels arranged in the nested layouts.

When the application runs, i have a context menu that provides me the option
to re-arrange the labels dynamically, for example i would like to have the
"glRotate(.....)" command on the first row and the "glTranslate(...)"
on the second row.

To get some some hint i went inside the dynamic layout example and there it
shows how to remove widget from a layout and re-arrange in different order.
But in my case i think i have to remove nested layouts  and re-arrange them
again to show the order i want.

Any hint ?

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