[Qt-interest] ActiveX Control with QCoreApplication

Müller Marius marius.mueller at computechnic.ch
Thu Jul 22 14:35:23 CEST 2010

Hi again,

Now I found out, that I have to modify the generated meta source code which was generated from dumpcpp.

inline bool MyAxControl::Something()
    bool qax_result;
    void *_a[] = {(void*)&qax_result};
    qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 32, _a);  // --> change 32 to the right ID ???
    return qax_result;

The ID in the qt_metacall function isn't correct anymore after changing from QAxWidget to QAxObject. I changed it manually to the right id. But how can I regenerate this inline functions from my modified header file (which was generated from dumpcpp)? I thought maybe moc can help me, but it didn't.

Also if it is working now, I don't know if I changed everything right or if I still miss something. That's why I would like to regenerate this meta source stuff. Or how can I really check which ID my slots gets? I am also a little bit afraid, that something in qt_meta_data or in qt_meta_stringdata is different.

Best regards,

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