[Qt-interest] Builds of 4.6.3 with OpenGL patch integrated for MSVC 2008

Gabe Rudy rudy at goldenhelix.com
Fri Jul 23 18:11:01 CEST 2010

Hey all,

I put together pre-build MSVC 2008 builds of Qt with the added advantage of
having pre-built binaries for 64-bit windows and builds with the NoQt3
config option set (smaller DLLs).

The bug mentioned in this blog
http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2010/07/06/doh/ was brought to my attention
by Net147 so I created updated installer builds for 4.6.3 with the patch for
the bug integrated.

You can get the builds from here:

Hope this is helpful to somebody.

Gabe Rudy

Note: These builds are _not_ official. I do them mostly for the benefit of
my team and post them publicly to give back to the community.
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