[Qt-interest] Problems with QSslSocket hanging

Scott Aron Bloom Scott.Bloom at onshorecs.com
Tue Jul 27 13:16:24 CEST 2010

I moved my development box from XP to Win7, and Qt is working just fine with no problems.. Except SSL based http connections..
Here is what I have done, originally I was using OpenSSL 0.9.8k but have also tried 0.9.8m with no difference.
I have completely rebuilt the openssl libraries.
I have confirmed the two dlls load with no issues at all. I have botha debug and release version (not necessary previously, but I figured what the heck).  Makes no difference.
QSslSocket::supportsSsl() returns true.  The libraries load into Qt.  And the symbols load up.
However, in using QHttp or QNetworkAccessmanager with a https url, it sits until the underlying system times out (45 seconds for QHttp, 1 min for QNAM)
Any ideas?   And help will be greatly appreciated, Ive been working on this for 30+ hours trying all sorts of crap...
The sample code is as simple as it gets...
QNetworkRequest request( QUrl( "https://....." ) );

QNetworkAccessManager man;

QNetworkReply * rep = man.get( request );

Ive tried a bunch of https connections, its not a certificate thing.. 

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