[Qt-interest] Handling dynamic actions under QMenu

santhosh santhosh at softjin.com
Fri Oct 1 08:58:52 CEST 2010


I have a QMenu under QMenuBar. In this menu there are list of actions, 
and I would like to create this list of actions
as and when this menu is about to be shown to the user.

The actions under this menu are dynamic in nature.

I tried following methods,  but I am not able to achieve the intended 

*_Method - 1._*

    // reviewMenu is QMenu
    *void MenuBar::connectMenu ()*
       connect (reviewMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()),
                         this, SLOT (updateMenuStatus()) );

      connect (reviewMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()),
                         this, SLOT (reviewMenuIsHidden()) );

    *void MenuBar::updateMenuStatus ()*
             if (isHidden) {
            // attaching / updating action states

             isHidden = true;

    *MenuBar::reviewMenuIsHidden ()*
         isHidden = false;

    1. When I implement the intended behavior in updateMenuStatus () as
    shown above, I am able to update menu states as and when
          it is shown to the user. However, there is a /*flickering of
    menus issue*/ is seen.

*_Method - 2._*

         // reviewMenu is QMenu
*void MenuBar::connectMenu ()*
             // menu action
             QAction* a =  reviewMenu->menuAction();

             connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered (QAction*)),
                     this, SLOT (slotToUpdatereviewMenu(QAction*)));

    *void MenuBar::slotToUpdatereviewMenu(QAction*)*
            // attaching / updating action states

    1.  No flicker like I said in the above is not seen here. However,
    When I first click on the menu the above signal is not emitted but
          it is emitted when I again click on it.

Please suggest me a proper way of handling this scenario. I tried many 
ways apart from this but no luck.


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