[Qt-interest] Problem building PostgreSQL database driver

Harry Sfougaris hsfougaris at gmail.com
Mon Oct 4 18:32:18 CEST 2010

I installed 4.7 under Windows after first removing my old version, and i realized that i've lost my QPSQL driver which i so painfully managed to compile with 4.6.

My setup is this : i am running windows 7 x64. I have visual studio 2010, qt 4.7, and of course postgresql (packaged by enterprisedb) with all the apporpriate libraries and headers. I dont use vs2010 for development anymore, just qt creator (so in effect minigw).
In the instructions,  there are 2 steps:
1) run qmake
I switch to the said directory, run qtenv.bat, and then qmake, which seems to work.

2) run nmake
This step fails as the paths in the makefiles have spaces in them (eg. 'Program Files (x86)', 'Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0', etc) and i get errors about not being able to find files.
 I tried changing these folder names to their short versions (by doing dir/x), and then the compile process starts, but i get many complilation errors about undefined symbols and syntax errors

I tried running mingw32-make, but i still get similar complilation errors.

Can someone  which compiler i'm supposed to used and what i'm doing wrong?

Thanking you in advance,

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