[Qt-interest] Resizable widgets

Miguel Cardenas mfcardenas at gmail.com
Mon Oct 4 21:44:06 CEST 2010

Hello everybody

I'm trying to make a program with 2 widgets, one at the left and another on
the right side, but need to resize them by "pulling" the division between
them... on the Qt examples found QDockWidget and tried it, but am not sure
if it is exactly what I need or there is another class available to do this.

If it is the right one, how can I organize my widgets horizontally? they are
tiled vertically (by default) but I need them to be horizontal, now can I do

The idea is to have an index on the left window and a browser on the right
one, so I can click some entry at the index and display it on the right
side, but sometimes I will need to resize the index side to make visible
some text or make it smaller.


Miguel Cardenas
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