[Qt-interest] alpha channel and widgets

Lorenzo Marussi info at lorenzomarussi.it
Sat Oct 9 21:56:32 CEST 2010


I have a frameless application with 3 widgets: a QWebView, a VideoWidget
and a QLabel.
The QLabel is positioned over the others two, and I set the background
color's Alpha Channel to make some transparent background.
Unfortunately, the background works fine when it's over the web page,
but remains "solid" over the video.

I run Linux, lastest qt4.7 and an Intel Video card; I tried to update
the drivers, I tried to change the window manager (compiz, metacity,
and the phonon engine (vlc, xine, gstreamer)
but unsuccessfully.

Is there a way to set the alpha channel of some widget's background when
it's over a videowidget?
It's something about qt or my software config.? (composite, backends,
window manager and drivers)

Thanks in advance,
Lorenzo Marussi

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