[Qt-interest] Upgrade 4.7 woes: QtCreator debugger paths (solution)

Oliver.Knoll at comit.ch Oliver.Knoll at comit.ch
Wed Oct 13 16:48:31 CEST 2010

Hi all,

for the record: I just updated from Qt SDK 2010.04 to SDK 2010.05 on Windows by first manually uninstalling the previous version.

Compilation of my small example project went well, but while trying to debug it with QtCreator I got the error message like 'c:\Qt\2010.04\...\someDebugger not found!' Off course not, I just had uninstalled that version.

It took me some while (after scanning the entire registry and deleting every path which looked suspicious - and yes, there were some Qt related outdated paths, especially to the plugins ;) to figure out where this old debugger path "2010.04" is set within QtCreator.

Off course I had looked in the most obvious location 'Extras/Settings/Debugger' first, but at a quick glance I only saw the executable's name and thought that one would be looked up in some environment path (had I mouse-hovered over that name for a second I would have seen the full path).

After scanning my user settings I finally stumbled over QtCreator.ini (good: settings are NOT stored in the registry ;) and only then did I figure out that you actually had to double-click on the debugger executable name as to edit its path (also see attachement) ;)

Hope that helps anyone, too.

Cheers, Oliver
Oliver Knoll
Dipl. Informatik-Ing. ETH
COMIT AG - ++41 79 520 95 22

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