[Qt-interest] Adding libraries to .pro file

Chasc chasc at tpg.com.au
Thu Oct 21 13:21:52 CEST 2010


I am having trouble linking a shared library I have created into my
current application. My project file reads as follows:

LIBS += -L/home/pcor/Development/cpp/qt/libs/TableModel-build-desktop
LIBS += -llibTableModel 
+= /home/pcor/Development/cpp/qt/libs/TableModel-build-desktop

where libTableModel.so is a link pointing to libTableModel.so.1.0.0 in
directory /home/pcor/Development/cpp/qt/libs/TableModel-build-desktop.
My header files are also in this same directory.

I can build the project OK but when I try running it I get:

/home/pcor/Development/cpp/qt/TableSelection2/TableSelection2-build-desktop/TableSelection2: error while loading shared libraries: libTableModel.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

every time. My platform is Linux and I am using Qt Creator 2.0.1. Can
anyone help me with this?

Paul Cornford (newbie)

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