[Qt-interest] Cutting useless decimal places

mailinglists at bluespirit.la mailinglists at bluespirit.la
Mon Oct 25 10:03:31 CEST 2010


a very simple question: How can I create a QString from a 
float/double, in format 'f' without giving a explicit number of decimal 
places to the arg() arguments?

qDebug() << QString("Hello world: %1").arg( fNumber, 0, 'f' );

When setting fNumbers to '0.125' I want an output of '0.125'. But when 
setting the fNumbers variable to '200', I don't want an output of 
"200.000". I want also use the localized output - so I prefer 
QString::arg() to QString::sprintf(). The use of precision==-1 is not 
documented - at least not in qt 4.6 api-doc.

Thank in advance,


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