[Qt-interest] Mapping a video on an OpenGL texture

Josh Knox jknox at irobot.com
Mon Oct 25 17:24:42 CEST 2010

You don't need Phonon for this. QGLWidget will work fine. I just draw a 
single polygon and map the video frames as a texture.

There might be other reasons to use Phonon, but I didn't need it for 
this case.


Christophe de Dinechin wrote:
> Is there a supported way with Phonon to map a video on an OpenGL texture? Through debugging, I noticed that at least on the Mac, this is how the Quicktime stream is actually rendered. In other words, internally, Phonon generates an OpenGL texture. However, I have been unable to access that texture efficiently. The only way I found through standard Qt interfaces will render in a QImage along the way, therefore copying every frame from the GPU to the CPU and then back, which is not exactly efficient...
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