[Qt-interest] QGraphicsScene pos

pmqt71 pmqt71 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 00:58:26 CEST 2010

please help me.
I have a scene with this rect:

myScene->setSceneRect( -50.0, -50.0, 50.0, 50.0 );
on the following event handler, I want the x and y within the scene rect.

void MyGraphicsScene::mouseDoubleClickEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *


    QRectF rect = sceneRect();  //this gives -50.0, -50.0, 50.0, 50.0

    //but the following returns something out of the sceneRect - e.g. 106,
-91 double-clicking in the top right corner

    QPointF pointScene = mouseEvent->lastScenePos ();

    // is it a view related point?

   QPointF point = this->views()[0]->mapToScene(pointScene.toPoint()); //
but this returns -51, -183


The QGraphicsView is added into a layout and the mainWindow is resizable, so
the size of the widget is not fixed.


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