[Qt-interest] configure parameters for building Qt on Mac?

Crni Gorac cgorac at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 14:27:48 CET 2011

On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 9:30 AM, Crni Gorac <cgorac at gmail.com> wrote:
> Have to build my version of Qt libraries on Mac (am building 32-bit
> version only, in trying to trim the size of the Mac installer of the
> application I'm working on).  However, I seem to have some troubles
> with my build of Qt regarding OpenSSL: my application is using WebKit
> heavily and for pages I'm trying to show in-there, when there is CSS
> sheet referenced from page under "https" link, the page is not
> rendered correctly.  When I link with Qt l've installed from Mac
> binary packages provided at Nokia site, all works fine.  So I tried
> different variations of configure parameters when building Qt, but to
> no avail so far.  Thus, my question is: is there a way to know which
> configure parameters are used when these binary Qt packages built (so
> that I could use same set of parameters, except for the architecture)?
> Thanks.

Ok - here is some additional info after working further on this
problem.  I've tested with browser demo application, when compiled
with binary Qt version for Mac, and with Qt version that I've compiled
myself.  The link to test with is
https://oauth.twitter.com/2/authorize: an error message related to
using this Twitter service will appear on given page, but this is
irrelevant here - the point is to check is underlying CSS (the URL I
got for this one is
but could be that this changes, in any case I've read this URL from
the HTML source returned for this authorize page above) is going to
apply or not.  With browser demo app linked with binary Qt for Mac, it
all goes fine, and with browser app linked with the version of Qt that
I've compiled myself, SSL certificate error is reported for given CSS,
and CSS is not appiled for authorize page.  Now, when I check
corresponding certificate for example in Firefox, it seems like valid
certificate, signed by Verisign (also, when I open Keychain Access,
and check certificates installed on system, I'd say Verisign
certificates are all there). So I guess it all has to do with Qt
compilation, regarding to the SSL installation on my machine.  But
this is just vanilla OpenSSL installation that came along with my OS X
installation (I'm using Snow Leopard 10.6.5).  So - any idea on what
should I change when compiling Qt, so that certificates related
OpenSSL are not reported (for now, I've just changed my application to
ignore SSL errors, but obviously longer-term this is not very good


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