[Qt-interest] What is likely to be in Qt 4.8?

Jason H scorp1us at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 22 21:11:27 CET 2011

Well, more and more services are using SOAP. Client-wise, Qt cannot currently 
digest a WSDL file and create a QObject proxy (statically, or on the fly) and 
talk to web services. If you want to use web services as a client, then you have 
to wade into QDom/QXmlPatterns land and hand code yourself a solution. 

As a server, again you must use QDom/QXmlPatterns on your own. But you should be 
able to expose a QObject derived class and have Qt generate the WSDL file, as 
well a provide a trivial http server which exposes those classes (services). 
(Possibly also using zero-config)

Then use QObject::connect() to connect the client and server.

The problem with the existing solution is that it does not support SOAP 1.2 
(which is the defacto standard) or attachments. It is stuck at 1.1, client only, 
and no attachments.

----- Original Message ----
From: Brad Hards <bradh at frogmouth.net>
To: qt-interest at qt.nokia.com
Cc: Thiago Macieira <thiago at kde.org>
Sent: Tue, February 22, 2011 2:57:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Qt-interest] What is likely to be in Qt 4.8?

On Wednesday, February 23, 2011 06:08:52 am Thiago Macieira wrote:
> SOAP is "no way in hell".
What is the concern with this? Is the Solution considered "enough for those 
who really want it"?

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