[Qt-qml] QML animations

Jason H scorp1us at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 1 22:06:36 CET 2011

There is a Path element that does this. 

 From: Harri Pasanen <harri at mpaja.com>
To: "qt-qml at qt.nokia.com" <qt-qml at qt.nokia.com> 
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2011 11:06 AM
Subject: [Qt-qml] QML animations
I'm trying to wrap my head around QML animations.

I'm having hard time animating anything that is not linear motion.
If I'd like the animation to follow a path (or curve), how should I go 
about it?

Two example usages:

A rocket accelerates along elliptical curve and then starts coasting.

A rat runs through a maze in along given path.

I'm looking for something like CAKeyframeAnimation:


How would I achieve this with QML?



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