[Qt-qml] QML without GUI?

Bo Thorsen bo at fioniasoftware.dk
Fri Dec 2 08:09:46 CET 2011

Den 01-12-2011 23:04, Jason H skrev:
> Thanks. I actually want to put out HTML an other structured formats
> instead. Any clue how I could evaluate the object tree and get output?
> Trivial Example:
> Table {
> Row {
> bgcolor: "lightgray"
> Cell { id:"c00"; text: "11" }
> Cell {id:"c01"; text: "12" }
> Cell { id:"c02"; text: "13" }
> }
> Row {
> bgcolor: "lightblue"
> Cell { id:"c10"; text: "21" }
> Cell { id:"c11"; text: "22" }
> Cell { id:"c12"; text: "23" }
> }
> }
> <TABLE><TR bgcolor="lightgray"><TD>11</TD>...</TR></TABLE>
> It looks rather silly, but only until you realize you have components,
> and can assemble your output with those.

That's because it is rather silly. I don't see a single good reason to 
do this, and I would really not like to see this kind of capability in Qt.

If you're going to do web stuff, use web tools.

Bo Thorsen,
Fionia Software.


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