[Qt-qml] [Development] QtQuick becomes a separate module

Kent Hansen kent.hansen at nokia.com
Fri Dec 2 16:11:20 CET 2011

Den 02. des. 2011 09:59, skrev Kent Hansen:
> Den 02. des. 2011 09:33, skrev ext Kent Hansen:
>> Hi,
>> See https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-22889
>> Once http://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,9948 goes through CI,
> Since the commit is so huge, there's a high likelyhood of conflicts 
> and failing tests when combined with other changes. Therefore staging 
> of qtdeclarative changes in Gerrit has been disabled for the moment.
> Kent

The change went through, and qtdeclarative is open for staging again.

The change to automatically add "QT += quick" -- to allow existing 
Qt5/QML2-based projects outside of Qt to migrate smoothly -- is being 
integrated as I type this very sentence 


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