[Qt-qml] 答复: 答复: 答复: how to draw line in QML

宫长辉 gongchanghui at kingrich.com.cn
Mon Dec 5 09:37:20 CET 2011

I need to draw a wave composed by 1000 continuous lines.

And mostly 8 waves were needed in one graph.

Even the product should be run in ARM.


So I’m afraid that it will cost too much CPU and memory, If I implement it
with rectangle,





发件人: Jesus Fernandez [mailto:jsfdez at gmail.com] 
发送时间: 2011年12月5日 16:12
收件人: bea.lam at nokia.com
抄送: gongchanghui at kingrich.com.cn; qt-qml at qt.nokia.com
主题: Re: [Qt-qml] 答复: 答复: how to draw line in QML


Anyway for the lines, you can use the rectangle and some math to calc the
angle and coords if the line is not horizontal or vertical.

2011/12/5 <bea.lam at nokia.com>

On 05/12/2011, at 3:40 PM, ext 宫长辉 wrote:

> Thank you fro reply.
> It seems that using qmlcanvas module will be the nice way to resolve my
> problem.
> BTW, when QT quick 2.0 will be released ?

It is part of Qt 5, which is scheduled for the first half of 2012:

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