[Qt-qml] storing data for non connected apps

Mark Constable markc at renta.net
Tue Dec 6 07:02:10 CET 2011

On 06/12/11 15:32, Bo Thorsen wrote:
> The SQL storage mentioned here only solves part of the problem - the
> persistence. It doesn't (and can't) solve the problem of propagating
 > the changes all over the system.
> For example, say you change the font. Now all the Text items need to
> know about this. So you either have to bind those up to a shared
 > object, or implement something by hand.
> It's a good start, but it's not the complete settings problem solved.

The original poster was mainly concerned with "data storage process and
retrieval from QML" so a QSetting-like system is a related issue.

Another semi-related issue is how can non-Qt/QML applications interact
with persistent settings and the simplest modification I can think of,
that partly solves both of these related issues, is to simply allow...

openDatabaseSync("path/to/db.sqlite", "1.0", "MyDB", 1000000);

to be able to open a SQLite database created by any other Qt/QML or
non-Qt/QML application and gives us one more method to store data
that is transparently and easily accessible by any application on
the same hardware system.

If a QSettings wrapper could then use an arbitrary SQLite database as
backend storage then it could solve your issue as well. It would be
just a matter of convention as to where on the filesystem these DBs
could be stored but at least it would then be technically feasible.

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