[Qt-qml] How to animate an item moving between layouts

bea.lam at nokia.com bea.lam at nokia.com
Thu Dec 15 08:40:16 CET 2011

This can be done with a ParentAnimation. I've attached a modified example that uses ParentChange and ParentAnimation.

There is an odd bug where the item's value jumps by -100 at the start of the animation if the bottomRight row is anchored to the right of its parent; for some reason, this doesn't occur if the bottomRight row is positioned with an x value instead.



On 14/12/2011, at 4:09 PM, ext Harald Hvaal wrote:

> Is there really no way to do this guys? Not even with qt quick 2?
> Although I'm hoping to avoid it, would it help if I wrote some component in c++?
> Harald
> On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Harald Hvaal <harald.hvaal at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, I am hoping that someone could help me solve this seemingly simple problem:
>> How do I animate an item moving from one layout two another?
>> I have attached a small example of what I am trying to do, but even
>> more summarized the problem goes like this:
>> Row { id: top;    Box{id: box} }
>> Row { id: bottom; }
>> Button { onClicked: { box.parent = bottom; }
>> How do I animate this parentchange?
>> I have tried add/move-transitions on the rows, I have tried
>> ParentChange in states, ParentAnimations used on behaviors, nothing
>> seems to solve this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
>> Thanks,
>> Harald Hvaal
>> harald.hvaal at gmail.com
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