[Qt-qml] Custom transform origin point during rotation

Dietrich.Gossen at continental-corporation.com Dietrich.Gossen at continental-corporation.com
Wed Dec 21 16:23:42 CET 2011

Hi Matthias,

finally it works! The documentation doesn't provide any examples regarding 
this topic...
Thank you. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dietrich Gossen
Continental Engineering Services

Rechnungsanschrift/Billing Address/Besucheradresse/Visitor Address:
Continental Engineering Services GmbH
Osterhofener Straße 17, 93055 Regensburg, Germany
Postfach 10 09 43, 93009 Regensburg, Germany

Telefon/Phone: +49 941 790-5681
Telefax: +49 941 79099-6590
E-Mail: dietrich.gossen at continental-corporation.com
Continental Engineering Services GmbH, Graf-Vollrath-Weg 6, D-60489 
Geschaeftsfuehrer/Managing Director: Bernd Neitzel, Dr. Stefan Stoelzl, 
Dr. Jochen Weisse
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Frankfurt 
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Proprietary and confidential. Distribution only by express authority of 
Continental AG or its subsidiaries.

Von:    Matthias Feldweg <matthias.feldweg at e-gits.com>
An:     Dietrich.Gossen at continental-corporation.com
qt-qml-bounces+dietrich.gossen=continental-corporation.com at qt.nokia.com, 
qt-qml at qt.nokia.com
Datum:  21.12.2011 16:07
Betreff:        Re: [Qt-qml] Antwort: Re: Custom transform origin point 
during  rotation
Gesendet von:   
qt-qml-bounces+dietrich.gossen=continental-corporation.com at qt.nokia.com

Hi Dietrich,

you can add a NumberAnimation on the "angle" property of the rotation:

Image { 
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        source: "qt-logo.png"
        transform: Rotation {
            id: myRot
        SequentialAnimation {
            running: true
            loops: Animation.Infinite
            PropertyAction { target: myRot; property: "origin.x"; value: 0 
            PropertyAction { target: myRot; property: "origin.y"; value: 0 
            NumberAnimation { target: myRot; property: "angle"; to: 180; 
duration: 2000}
            PropertyAction { target: myRot; property: "origin.x"; value: 
40 }
            PropertyAction { target: myRot; property: "origin.y"; value: 
40 }
            NumberAnimation { target: myRot; property: "angle"; to: 0; 
duration: 2000}

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards 

Matthias Feldweg 

Am 21.12.2011 15:42, schrieb Dietrich.Gossen at continental-corporation.com: 
Hi Matthias, 

how do I modify the angle in a sequential animation? 
Because this example transforms the image just once. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen 

Dietrich Gossen
Continental Engineering Services

Rechnungsanschrift/Billing Address/Besucheradresse/Visitor Address:
Continental Engineering Services GmbH
Osterhofener Straße 17, 93055 Regensburg, Germany
Postfach 10 09 43, 93009 Regensburg, Germany

Telefon/Phone: +49 941 790-5681
Telefax: +49 941 79099-6590
E-Mail: dietrich.gossen at continental-corporation.com
Continental Engineering Services GmbH, Graf-Vollrath-Weg 6, D-60489 
Geschaeftsfuehrer/Managing Director: Bernd Neitzel, Dr. Stefan Stoelzl, 
Dr. Jochen Weisse
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Frankfurt 
Registergericht/Registered Court: Amtsgericht Frankfurt HRB 76752
Proprietary and confidential. Distribution only by express authority of 
Continental AG or its subsidiaries.

Von:        Matthias Feldweg <matthias.feldweg at e-gits.com> 
An:        qt-qml at qt.nokia.com 
Datum:        21.12.2011 11:35 
Betreff:        Re: [Qt-qml] Custom transform origin point during rotation 

Gesendet von:        
qt-qml-bounces+dietrich.gossen=continental-corporation.com at qt.nokia.com 

You can add a "QML Rotation Element" to the image transformation list
see http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-rotation.html.

Animate the properties of the rotation.

     Image {
        source: "pics/qt.png"
        transform: Rotation { origin.x: 30; origin.y: 30; axis { x: 0; y: 
1; z: 0 } angle: 18 }
        smooth: true

Am 21.12.2011 11:04, schrieb Dietrich.Gossen at continental-corporation.com: 
I am having problems to set a custom transform origin point and rotate an 
image around it.
That’s how I do it now (without success): 
That’s the definition of the image and the state 
1.        Image { 
2.                        id: image1 
3.                        smooth: true 
4.                        source: "image1.png" 
5.                    } 
7.                    State { 
8.                        name: "rotated" 
9.                        PropertyChanges { 
10.                            target: image1 
11.                            transformOriginPoint: Qt.point(20, 40) 
12.                        } 
13.                    } 
That’s my animation— 
1.        SequentialAnimation{ 
2.                    loops: Animation.Infinite 
3.                    running: true 
5.                    PropertyAction { target: image1; property: 
"transformOriginPoint" } 
6.                     RotationAnimation { target: image1; to: 180; 
direction: RotationAnimation.Clockwise; duration: 2000} 
8.                    PropertyAction { target: image1; property: 
"transformOriginPoint" } 
9.                     RotationAnimation { target: image1; to: 0; 
direction: RotationAnimation.Counterclockwise; duration: 2000 
10.                } 
I couldn’t find any example in the documentation about custom transform 
origin points. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen 

Dietrich Gossen
Continental Engineering Services

Rechnungsanschrift/Billing Address/Besucheradresse/Visitor Address:
Continental Engineering Services GmbH
Osterhofener Straße 17, 93055 Regensburg, Germany
Postfach 10 09 43, 93009 Regensburg, Germany

Telefon/Phone: +49 941 790-5681
Telefax: +49 941 79099-6590
E-Mail: dietrich.gossen at continental-corporation.com 
Continental Engineering Services GmbH, Graf-Vollrath-Weg 6, D-60489 
Geschaeftsfuehrer/Managing Director: Bernd Neitzel, Dr. Stefan Stoelzl, 
Dr. Jochen Weisse
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Frankfurt 
Registergericht/Registered Court: Amtsgericht Frankfurt HRB 76752
Proprietary and confidential. Distribution only by express authority of 
Continental AG or its subsidiaries.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards 

Matthias Feldweg 
Senior Software Engineer 

e-GITS GmbH 
Global IT Solutions 
Curiestrasse 2 
70563 Stuttgart, Germany 

Phone +49 (0) 711.67.400.174 
Fax +49 (0) 711.67.400.469 


Sitz der GmbH: Stuttgart, Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 23517 
Geschäftsführer: Sven Liess 

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