[Qt-qml] Using latest SDK (1.1.4) on both desktop and mobile. Qt Quick components 1.0 / 1.1

Artem Marchenko artem.marchenko at gmail.com
Wed Dec 28 19:45:59 CET 2011

Hi All

My primary way of development for mobile is to do most of stuff on desktop using the desktop build and just verify once in a while on mobile. It is also way easier to provide desktop builds for remote people for quicktesting without the Symbian device at hand.

The problem is that since Qt SDK 1.1.4 the only version of com.nokia.symbian (and com.nokia extras) that works on mobile is 1.1. And only version that works on desktop (on Mac desktop build at least) is 1.0. When I try using 1.1 I get the following:
"com.nokia.symbian" version 1.1 is not installed
import com.nokia.symbian 1.1 

Then what is the current way for doing the cross platform development with the Symbian components?

Interestingly if I use not a desktop build, but just QML viewer (e.g. if you create just Qt Quick UI project), QML viewer is able to run everything on desktop. I suppose it hints that proper plugins do exist, just need to be enabled somehow.

Best regards,

I am on Mac OS X if it matters
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