[Qt-qml] background timers in QML ?

Sivan Greenberg sivan at omniqueue.com
Fri Dec 30 19:44:18 CET 2011

Hi all,

 I am wondering if there's a recommended way to have background
timersin Qt Quick apps? My primary use case is an app that reminds me
to do stuff at periodical times, and for that I thought to install a
timer per each item that need be reminded, but I wanted to try and see
if there's a better way or a standard way for that?

 Also, it would be nice to have just the timer running firing the app
only when the reminder needs to happen.

 Share you experience if you've done this before, and open source code
to learn from would be greatly appreciated :)

Merry Xmas and soon to be Happy New Year,



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