[Qt-qml] Setting the source with a click on QML component

Bartosh Wroblevksy bartosh at live.com
Fri Sep 30 11:56:34 CEST 2011

Thank you Girish, I guess we were looking for a solution where it is the C++ code that drives the loading of the qml files. Our solution keeps crashing after a setSource is executed. With your clicker.qml , we would like to implement something like this:

Rectangle {
signal change();--	MouseArea {		anchors.fill: parent                onClicked:{                container.change()                }	}---}
DeclarativeView::DeclarativeView(QWidget* parent)    :QDeclarativeView(parent){
 QObject *test= dynamic_cast<QObject*>(rootObject ());
 QObject::connect(test, SIGNAL(change()), this, SLOT(doit()));}
void DeclarativeView::doit(){    setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile("./another.qml"));}

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