[Qtce-preview-feedback] Failure to build executables for Windows CE 5.0 / Qt-WinCE-preview-4.4.0

Maurice Kalinowski mkalinow at trolltech.com
Thu Mar 6 15:21:33 CET 2008


in case the VSI fixes will not help launching an application, I have 
some additional questions to you.
Is there a public available SDK for your device? Using the Standard SDK 
for Windows CE 5 might not always be the best solution. On some of our 
testdevices we were missing symbols on runtime, while the StandardSDK 
has these.

Eg. this is why we removed the aygshell link-time dependency and try to 
figure out on runtime, if this library is available.

I have attached a small test application which simply tries to load some 
libraries on your device. Simply call 'qmake -tp vc' in the command 
prompt and open the generated visual studio project file. After 
compilation and deployment you need to manually copy the Qt libraries 
into the directory on the device. Then launch the application.
In case it cannot load a lib because of a missing symbol, Visual Studio 
should complain about a missing ordinal. Please send us the whole output 
of this test application, so that we can investigate a little bit further.

Best Regards,

Maurice Kalinowski

P.S.: We have a new version out (beta1). Please try this one too.

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