[Qt5-feedback] html5 Qt JavaScript API

Philip Ashmore contact at philipashmore.com
Tue Jul 19 17:04:08 CEST 2011

Hi there.

I've started work on a Qt JavaScript API.
You can see my very early attempts at

The idea is to implement (part of) Qt's Widget class hierarchy in 
JavaScript on platforms that don't use QtWebkit2 (like Google Chrome), 
and to provide a native plug-in that intercepts the JavaScript URL's to 
provide a native implementation from QtWebkit2 itself, usable from the 
JavaScript running in the web page.

I'm sure you can see how the reverse situation maps - the same 
JavaScript code could run just as well in v8 and would still be talking 
to native Qt QWidgets.

Am I re-inventing the wheel here, as Qt5 is planning to do something 
like this anyway?

Are there tools that can automatically sketch the QWidget class 
hierarchy (including enums) in a form that can be used to implement it 
in JavaScript as well as being able to expose the c++ QWidget hierarchy 
to JavaScript?

Also, I realise that html/html5 is going to have some inadequacies 
(child windows, printing, IPC ...).
Should I wait for html6?

Philip Ashmore

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