[Qtwebengine] Websockets not working -> debug Javascript?

Jocelyn Turcotte jocelyn.turcotte at digia.com
Thu Jan 23 13:34:40 CET 2014

Hello Fabian,

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 11:49:26AM +0100, Fabian Bernhard wrote:
> > For debugging in general, make sure that you start your application with
> > --single-process.
> > It will run the render and plugin processes as thread in the main process
> > instead and should allow you to debug more easily.
> >
> With this flag the browser crashes consistently when I load above
> websocket.org website, see crash log below. Google.com works fine though.

Please pull to get this change, it landed yesterday in master: https://codereview.qt-project.org/76276
If it still crashes, we have a pending patch that remove the release assert causing it, you can try to apply it to your clone: https://codereview.qt-project.org/76151

> May be its just an OSX issue?

It could be yes, but I would suspect that it's something else than WebSockets unless you have concrete observations that show it not working.


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