[Qtwebengine] FW: MP4 video playback not working in QtWebEngine

Michal Klocek michal.klocek at qt.io
Thu Dec 21 16:23:46 CET 2017


Proprietary codes are compiled for ffmpeg and you need them for mp4.
Video hardware acceleration is unsupported on linux, you might get it
working only with V4L2 (or maybe with VAAPI see:
https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/532294 not
sure if there is imx-vappi wprapper ?!)

For the crash please open the bug report at https://bugreports.qt.io

You might want to see if you compile against system ffmpeg or you
use embedded one. Please add information to bug report if other formats
(ogg,vp8) are playing correctly.



On 12/21/2017 02:45 PM, Kai Koehne wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: QtWebEngine [mailto:qtwebengine-bounces+kai.koehne=qt.io at qt-
>> project.org] On Behalf Of Chris Trowbridge
>> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 2:46 PM
>> To: qtwebengine at qt-project.org
>> Subject: [Qtwebengine] MP4 video playback not working in QtWebEngine
>> Hi all,
>> I'm running into some issues trying to get MP4 playback through QtWebEngine
>> 5.9.2.
>> Our hardware is a DFI KS310
>> (http://www.dfi.com/products/product.html?productId=1962) running an
>> i.MX6 ARM processor. We are using Yocto to build the OS based on version
>> 3.14.52 of the Linux kernel and are including the qtwebengine recipe from
>> Yocto to include it in the image. We are also using Wayland/Weston as a
>> compositor.
>> When I run the minimal browser sample application and navigate to a page
>> that contains an MP4 video file (embedded in a <video> HTML tag), the app
>> crashes with a segmentation fault and the following stack trace:
>> Received signal 11 SEGV_MAPERR 000069646551
>> #0 0x0000b4108086 <unknown>
>> #1 0x0000b4108356 <unknown>
>> #2 0x0000b33b0b80 <unknown>
>> [end of stack trace]
>> At first, I thought this was because the default compilation configuration for
>> QtWebEngine (and Chromium) disables support for proprietary codecs. So, I
>> changed the compilation configuration to enable proprietary codecs, but the
>> minimal browser application still crashes when trying to display the MP4 video.
>> My next thought was to ensure that hardware acceleration was fully enabled in
>> the underlying instance of Chromium. I was able to achieve almost full
>> hardware acceleration by adding the following command line switches when
>> running the minimal browser application:
>> --ignore-gpu-blacklist --disable-gpu-sandbox --blacklist-accelerated-compositing
>> --enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers
>> After this, the 'chrome://gpu' page in Chromium reported:
>> Graphics Feature Status:
>> *	Canvas: Hardware accelerated
>> *	Flash: Hardware accelerated
>> *	Flash Stage3D: Hardware accelerated
>> *	Flash Stage3D Baseline profile: Hardware accelerated
>> *	Compositing: Hardware accelerated
>> *	Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled
>> *	Native GpuMemoryBuffers: Hardware accelerated
>> *	Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
>> *	Video Decode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
>> *	VPx Video Decode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
>> *	WebGL: Hardware accelerated
>> *	WebGL2: Hardware accelerated
>> Problems Detected:
>> *	Clear uniforms before first program use on all platforms: 124764,
>> 349137 - Applied Workarounds: clear_uniforms_first_program_use
>> *	Always rewrite vec/mat constructors to be consistent: 398694 -
>> Applied Workarounds: scalarize_vec_and_mat_constructor_args
>> *	Limited enabling of Chromium GL_INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA: 535198 -
>> Applied Workarounds: disable_framebuffer_cmaa
>> *	Accelerated video decode has been disabled, either via blacklist,
>> about:flags or the command line. - Disabled Features: video_decode
>> *	Accelerated rasterization has been disabled, either via blacklist,
>> about:flags or the command line. - Disabled Features: rasterization
>> *	Accelerated VPx video decode has been disabled, either via blacklist,
>> about:flags or the command line. - Disabled Features: vpx_decode
>> As you can see, it seems as though video decode and VPx video decode are not
>> hardware accelerated, and I think this is where my real problem lies.
>> I also tried to load the same MP4 video file using Chromium (version 40), but
>> the page crashes just the same as with QtWebEngine and displays an "Oh,
>> snap" Chromium error message with no error messages on the console.
>> I have also tried to pre-install through Yocto many of the Freescale/NXP i.MX6
>> graphics support libraries and drivers, but it's possible that I could be missing a
>> vital one or not configuring one correctly:
>> *         Libfslvpuwrap (v1.0.62)
>> *         libavcodec
>> *         libavformat
>> *         libavutil
>> *         libexif (v0.6.21)
>> *         imx-gpu-viv (v5.0.11)
>> *         gst1.0-fsl-plugin (v4.0.8)
>> *         gstreamer1.0-plugins-imx (v0.12.1)
>> *         imx-lib (v5.1)
>> *         imx-vpu (v5.4.32)
>> *         libfslcodec (v4.0.8)
>> *         libfslparser (v4.0.8)
>> *         libimxvpuapi (0.10.2)
>> Has anyone been able to get MP4 video playback to work in QtWebEngine built
>> with Yocto on the i.MX6 chipset?
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
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>> intended recipient(s) and may contain CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION of
>> Automated Packaging Systems, Inc..  Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure
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