[Releasing] Initial version of Qt package testing tool being reviewed

Keith Isdale keith.isdale at nokia.com
Mon Aug 27 09:39:53 CEST 2012


I have been working on a tool to automate common package tests. At the moment is supports tests such as:
  * sanity check the manifest of files in package
  * build source for various configurations: minimal, developer, static and rasberrypi
  * sanity check on running the Qt installer for Linux

It is my intention that the tool
  * automate the easily automated package tests
  * is highly extensible by writing a small amount of a perl code
  * is robust enough to be use as final step after packages have been made and at give some quick feedback on issues that can be automatically found
  * can be used by anyone with interest in testing Qt packages and proving feedback on this email list
  * does not have the same scope as CI infrastructure

You are invited to have a look the tool, see the change in gerrit:

To get started with this tool look at its getting started guide, see:

Feedback to myself via my personal email address would be excellent: keithisdale at gmail.com

Happy package testing :)

Keith Isdale
Quality Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks

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