[Releasing] State of Qt 5.0.0 wk 40

Stephen Chu stephen at ju-ju.com
Tue Oct 2 20:52:21 CEST 2012

On 10/2/12 12:30 PM, Tanilkan Sinan wrote:
> _Ensuring that everything is handled_ The list of items that needs to
> be fixed for Qt 5 beta 2 should be found at
> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-27319. This list is
> currently very short. Please help us by ensuring that all issues that
> needs to be handled/fixed for Qt 5 beta 2 is marked as required for
> QTBUG-27319.
> If here is a need for discussion on the issues, this can be done on
> releasing at qt-project.org or irc (#qt-releases on Freenode).

I hate to be badgering but I really think this is a big show stopper:

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