[Releasing] Preparing Qt 5.0.2 release

Chris Gilbert cgilbert at knaldtech.com
Wed Feb 13 20:08:36 CET 2013

Is there a decision yet on desktop GL builds for win32 in 5.0.2?

Chris Gilbert
Knald Technologies, LLC

On 2/12/2013 2:46 AM, Iikka Eklund wrote:
> Hi,
> Making of Qt 5.0.2 patch release has started:
> - Plan is to move into 'release' branch 18th February.
>     So there is roughly 6 days left to get your fixes into 'stable'
> - After 18th February any changes that are required to get in for 5.0.2
>     need to be pushed into 'release' branch. Release team will then
>     decide if the change will be taken in (P0, P1)
> - First 5.0.2 offline installers for testing will become available
>     into: releases.qt-project.org/digia/5.0.2/
> - Expected release time for 5.0.2 is in March
> - New reference installer is planned to be provided as well:
>     Win8/msvc2012 64bit

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