[Releasing] Meeting minutes: Qt 5.0.1 release team meeting 28.01.2013
Salovaara Akseli
Akseli.Salovaara at digia.com
Mon Jan 28 19:26:05 CET 2013
Meeting minutes from Qt 5.0.1 Release team meeting:
- Mingw produced as new pre-build installer package.
- Bugs on Qt 5.0.1 metatask: fixed on Qt 5.0.1 or target on later Qt5 version.
- Qt 5 critical tasks not listed in the 5.0.1 metatask: merged on release branch today, not seen as blocker for release or target on later Qt5 version.
- Plan is to release Qt 5.0.1 RC2 during Tuesday for community.
- Next release team meeting on Wednesday 30.01.2012.
The irc log below.
(5:03:36 PM) akseli: thiago, ZapB, kkoehne, sahumada, ramotyka, johanna_, iieklund: ping
(5:03:41 PM) kkoehne: akseli: pong
(5:03:48 PM) johanna_: akseli: pong
(5:04:36 PM) sahumada: akseli: pong
(5:05:30 PM) ramotyka left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
(5:06:01 PM) ramotyka [ramotyka at nat/digia/x-nzcudsrbcudmplwn] entered the room.
(5:08:45 PM) akseli: I think we can start Qt 5.0.1 release team meeting althoug not all participants present
(5:08:51 PM) akseli: I would like to propose following agenda:
(5:08:51 PM) akseli: Packaging status
(5:08:51 PM) akseli: Qt 5.0.1 status
(5:08:51 PM) akseli: Qt Creator 2.6.2 status
(5:08:51 PM) akseli: Next meeting
(5:09:06 PM) akseli: Does anyone have additional items in mind?
(5:09:56 PM) johanna_: nope
(5:10:24 PM) akseli: Or how others feel - shall we wait for others to participate?
(5:10:32 PM) kkoehne: akseli: No, let's go on.
(5:11:01 PM) akseli: If I start from packaging status
(5:12:01 PM) akseli: No open issues on "old" packages which were release also for 5.0.0. Mingw produced as new installer package.
(5:12:27 PM) akseli: kkoehne: you have more insight for mingw package?
(5:12:35 PM) kkoehne: akseli: It's looking good from my point.
(5:12:47 PM) kkoehne: akseli: Examples are there in latest package, and mostly working ;)
(5:13:24 PM) akseli: kkoehne: great:)
(5:13:32 PM) akseli: about msvc2012 package
(5:13:34 PM) kkoehne: akseli: There was a report about a WebKit problem for the old package (webview just staying blank), but I can't reproduce.
(5:14:04 PM) akseli: kkoehne: official bureport filed about that?
(5:14:16 PM) kkoehne: akseli: Not yet, AFAIK
(5:14:52 PM) anshaw left the room (quit: Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat komfortabelt. Hvor som helst.).
(5:15:02 PM) akseli: ok, about msvc2012 package: we have not been able to produce one yet due to problems with build machines
(5:15:17 PM) akseli: it might be possible that solving that takes long time
(5:15:35 PM) kkoehne: akseli: Is the problem at least known?
(5:16:10 PM) akseli: kkoehne: related to build machine I/O load which goes 100% time to time preventing proper package creation
(5:16:37 PM) kkoehne: akseli: Okay, so most probably really a build machine issue, not a MVSC2012/Qt one.
(5:17:04 PM) akseli: kkoehne: truely build machine issue as far we can see. hopefully we are able to solve problem & produce such package soon but if not then I wouldn't say it will prevent release.
(5:17:32 PM) kkoehne: akseli: Yes, I think we've decided so before. New platforms missing won't block the release.
(5:17:56 PM) akseli: vs2010 64bit was dropped on previous release team meeting decission already. opengl desktop packages i would see feasible to 5.0.2 at earliest
(5:18:50 PM) akseli: No actual blockers from packaging point of view are known at the moment
(5:18:57 PM) akseli: does anyone have other information?
(5:18:59 PM) johanna_: akseli: I wonder how fast we could get another machine to try to build the msvc2012, afaik we only have one machine dedicated to that
(5:19:31 PM) akseli: johanna__: trying to have one tomorrow
(5:19:45 PM) johanna_: akseli: ok
(5:20:58 PM) kkoehne: akseli: How about releasing the 423 as an RC2 then, with or without msvc2012 64 bit.
(5:22:03 PM) akseli: kkoehne: possible and there are few doc & changes fixes going into next nightly build so maybe releasing that as RC2
(5:22:08 PM) sahumada: kkoehne: akseli: what about 424 :)
(5:22:23 PM) kkoehne: sahumada: Okay, fine with me. Actually I think https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,46017 would be cool to have in, too.
(5:23:53 PM) akseli: if we produce RC2 duiring tomorrow with all content items included if possible?
(5:24:09 PM) akseli: regardless if it's 423 or 424
(5:24:21 PM) akseli: and release that as RC2
(5:24:56 PM) sahumada: sounds good
(5:25:16 PM) akseli: kkoehne: change,46017 mentions qtcreator bug - severity of that bug?
(5:25:53 PM) akseli: kkoehne: or related to 2.6.2 at all?
(5:26:15 PM) kkoehne: akseli: Well, it's a crash in Qt in the welcome screen at least on Mac
(5:26:24 PM) kkoehne: akseli: Actually it's hard to judge how often it happens though
(5:27:00 PM) akseli: kkoehne: havent noticed that with mac 10.8
(5:27:14 PM) kkoehne: akseli: (Just asked Auri, he says it's every time )
(5:27:23 PM) kkoehne: akseli: 5.0.1 package?
(5:27:53 PM) kkoehne: akseli: WEll, since it's accessing arbitrary memory it might as well not happening for everyone.
(5:27:55 PM) akseli: kkoehne: with 5.0.1 & mac 10.8 havent had crash problems
(5:27:59 PM) thiago [~thiago at kde/thiago] entered the room.
(5:28:11 PM) kkoehne: akseli: Have you opened examples through welcome screen?
(5:28:24 PM) akseli: kkoehne: yes, most of the time
(5:28:34 PM) sahumada: me too .. no crashes
(5:28:51 PM) kkoehne: akseli: Don't know, I don't have a mac :) Anyway, if we can get the fix in we're on the safe side :)
(5:29:14 PM) kkoehne: akseli, sahumada: But at least two persons here have seen the crash on mac.
(5:29:29 PM) akseli: kkoehne: hopefully fix goes through staging fast:)
(5:30:05 PM) kkoehne: akseli: I'll try to find out whether it's in any way a regression from 5.0.0. If not I'd be also fine without it.
(5:30:20 PM) akseli: kkhoehne: ok, thank you
(5:30:43 PM) akseli: about then Qt 5.0.1 status
(5:31:03 PM) akseli: most of the bugs in https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-29016 are already fixed
(5:31:27 PM) akseli: some of the bug id's on comments are either aimed on later release or
(5:31:44 PM) akseli: have fix pending on stable branch
(5:32:00 PM) akseli: e.g. QTBUG-28466 has fix pending on stable branch, QTBUG-28799 has fix on stable branch, QTBUG-29210 related to 64bit packages
(5:32:37 PM) akseli: besides those there are Qt 5 critical tasks not listed in the 5.0.1 metabug
(5:32:37 PM) akseli: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=13769
(5:33:05 PM) kkoehne: Anyone already checked out the examples compilation failure Jerome has been posting? "sub-examples-make_first failed to compile in qtbase."
(5:34:58 PM) kkoehne: akseli: I think at least the one's marked with fix for 5.0.1 should be discussed.
(5:36:43 PM) sahumada: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-28841 you mean ?
(5:36:44 PM) kkoehne: sahumada, iieklund: Btw, seems the tar.gz source package still misses configure.exe ?
(5:37:19 PM) thiago: how about just making configure.bat build?
(5:37:24 PM) johanna_: kkoehne: I don't think they need it? Previously we have only discussed about adding it to 7z and zip arhives
(5:38:09 PM) kkoehne: johanna_: mmh. I think _all_ packages should get a configure.exe. People are trying to use .tar.gz e.g. for Mingw compilation too
(5:38:21 PM) kkoehne: thiago: ^^ ?
(5:39:02 PM) thiago: I prefer pristine (unmodified) packages
(5:39:14 PM) thiago: instead of inserting a configure.exe into them, make configure.bat build it
(5:39:27 PM) johanna_: kkoehne: well, if that's the case this is the first time I hear it :), but it should be easy to add it..
(5:39:46 PM) thiago: but either solution is fine, provided that the .tar.gz can be used on windows too
(5:40:41 PM) johanna_: thiago: at least I haven't even tried to use tar.gz on windows..
(5:41:33 PM) sahumada: johanna_: I think that the difficult part is to add configure.exe into the .xz package .. I dont know if 7zip can handle those files
(5:41:51 PM) kkoehne: johanna_: I'm trying right now.
(5:41:52 PM) johanna_: sahumada: I don't either..
(5:42:11 PM) ramotyka left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 255 seconds).
(5:42:15 PM) kkoehne: sahumada, johanna_: Huh, why shouldn't it?
(5:42:49 PM) ramotyka [~ramotyka at ti0046a380-dhcp0753.bb.online.no] entered the room.
(5:43:09 PM) thiago: I don't think there's any problem
(5:43:28 PM) sahumada: then it should be doable
(5:43:48 PM) sahumada: but I also think that we should get rid of configure.exe for 5.0.2 or 5.1
(5:43:52 PM) johanna_: we can try that tomorrow, how big issue this is? Is it a blocker?
(5:44:06 PM) kkoehne: sahumada: Fine with me. Might be just removing the check for .gitignore in configure.bat
(5:44:17 PM) sahumada: johanna_: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-28743
(5:46:06 PM) akseli: will be added on to do list but not as a blocker
(5:46:07 PM) akseli: about bugs mentioned on JIRA filter with fix versoion 5.0.1
(5:46:07 PM) akseli: for QTBUG-29226 there are three fixes already merged
(5:46:07 PM) akseli: for QTBUG-28841 fix was merged today https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,45855
(5:46:24 PM) akseli: so those should be in next packages
(5:46:28 PM) kkoehne: akseli: Great.
(5:46:36 PM) johanna_: kkoehne: yes, sounds easy, but I remember seeing a long discussion about that when it went in (the change that forced us to manually create configure.exe)
(5:47:10 PM) kkoehne: johanna_: Okay, I actually don't remember the details.
(5:48:22 PM) akseli: anything else which should be considered from bugs at the moment?
(5:48:50 PM) akseli: or otherwise when keeping in mind that this is first patch release after Qt 5.0.0 six week ago
(5:51:18 PM) akseli: if not can we proceed to Qt Creator status? kkoehne^
(5:51:50 PM) ramotyka left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds).
(5:52:11 PM) kkoehne: We plan to ship a 2.6.2 together with 5.0.1 . However, testing hasn't started yet because we're missing some packages from bamboo.
(5:52:14 PM) hanne left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(5:52:29 PM) kkoehne: (Ubuntu 11.10 build machines, to be precise).
(5:52:54 PM) kkoehne: If we get them build we can do some internal testing of the 2.6.2 packages, which shouldn't take too long.
(5:53:12 PM) sahumada: you mean .. 2.6.2 inside 5.0.1 AND 2.6.2 as an standalone package ?
(5:53:36 PM) kkoehne: sahumada: Yes. Like we did for 2.6.1 / 5.0.0
(5:54:17 PM) kkoehne: sahumada: I don't want to ship 5.0.1 sdk with an 'unreleased' version of creator, nor leave the Qt Creator standalone users behind.
(5:54:36 PM) sahumada: ok .. was just out of curiosity :)
(5:55:45 PM) kkoehne: iieklund: Maybe you can ask Heikki once more about the build machines tmorrow?
(5:56:18 PM) ***kkoehne notices that "Fix QtScript crash on 64bit with JIT." just got merged, btw.
(5:56:42 PM) akseli: kkoehne: will it be possible to have same version Creator included into qt501 RC2 packages tomorrow than you are planning to test?
(5:57:01 PM) kkoehne: akseli: If you mean the same revision, then yes.
(5:57:17 PM) akseli: kkoehne: yes, same revision, thanks:)
(5:58:44 PM) akseli: so is the proposal that we aim to produce Qt 5.0.1 RC2 packages during tomorrow and if not any blocker issues found then possibly consider that to be final Qt 5.0.1 release?
(5:59:09 PM) kkoehne: akseli: Sounds good.
(5:59:27 PM) johanna_: akseli: sounds good
(6:00:25 PM) akseli: Shall we have another release team irc meeting where we make go\no-go decission and when?
(6:00:29 PM) sahumada: we are just missing two changelog changes https://codereview.qt-project.org/45872 https://codereview.qt-project.org/44433 .. should they be in by tomorrow ?
(6:00:47 PM) akseli: giving community to time to test RC2 packages ofcourse
(6:01:15 PM) thiago: Wednesday, for release on Thursday?
(6:01:29 PM) sahumada: sounds good to me
(6:02:09 PM) steveire [~quassel at g225181111.adsl.alicedsl.de] entered the room.
(6:02:09 PM) steveire left the room (quit: Changing host).
(6:02:09 PM) steveire [~quassel at kde/skelly] entered the room.
(6:02:34 PM) akseli: Wednesday same time than today?
(6:02:51 PM) johanna_: akseli: fine with me
(6:02:57 PM) kkoehne: akseli: Yes
(6:04:04 PM) steveire left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(6:04:19 PM) steveire [~quassel at g225181111.adsl.alicedsl.de] entered the room.
(6:04:19 PM) steveire left the room (quit: Changing host).
(6:04:19 PM) steveire [~quassel at kde/skelly] entered the room.
(6:04:38 PM) ***sahumada needs to leave
(6:04:42 PM) akseli: So RC2 packages during tomorrow, Wednesday release team irc meeting
(6:04:58 PM) akseli: anything else we should handle now regarding Qt 5.0.1?
(6:05:10 PM) thiago: I cannot join next Monday, if there's a meeting
(6:05:15 PM) thiago: so schedule it at any time you'd prefer
(6:05:25 PM) kkoehne: Nothing more from my side. See you on Wednesday!
(6:05:38 PM) akseli: thiago: ok
(6:06:25 PM) akseli: Thank you all participating. See you on Wednesday.
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