[Releasing] Meeting minutes: Qt 5.0.1 release team meeting 30.01.2013
Salovaara Akseli
Akseli.Salovaara at digia.com
Wed Jan 30 18:38:29 CET 2013
Meeting minutes from Qt 5.0.1 Release team meeting:
- No blocker issues known preventing Qt 5.0.1 release.
- No blocker issues known preventing Qt Creator 2.6.2 release.
- Qt 5.0.1 RC2 released today (http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2013-January/009600.html).
o Only minimal delta compared to Qt 5.0.1 RC1.
o There are no changes that weren't in Qt 5.0.1 RC2 that we'd like to see in.
- Release team decision: Qt 5.0.1 can be released officially without additional release team meeting
o If no blocker \ showstopper issues for release are identified & notified from Qt 5.0.1 RC2 within 24 hours "Qt 5.0.1 RC2 for Release Testing" email (timestamp Wed Jan 30 13:11:03 CET 2013).
o Release can be delayed few days if seen necessary due to internal reasons without release team meeting
- Request about building Qt5 pre-build binary packages for Linux on a distro with GCC 4.5, not Ubuntu 11.10 with gcc 4.6 on future releases. No decision done and discussion will be continued on releasing mailing list.
- Next meeting: agreed later (closer to Qt 5.0.2 and Qt 5.1.0 releases).
The irc log below.
(5:03:00 PM) akseli: thiago, ZapB, kkoehne_, sahumada, ramotyka_, joijala, iieklund: ping
(5:03:14 PM) ramotyka_: akseli: pong
(5:03:16 PM) johanna: akseli: pong
(5:03:31 PM) ZapB: akseli: pong
(5:04:12 PM) sahumada: akseli: pong
(5:04:32 PM) thiago_: akseli: pong
(5:05:02 PM) akseli: It's time to start Qt 5.0.1 release meeting
(5:05:06 PM) akseli: I would like to propose following agenda:
(5:05:06 PM) akseli: Qt 5.0.1 & packaging status
(5:05:06 PM) akseli: Qt Creator 2.6.2 status
(5:05:07 PM) akseli: Go \ no-go decision
(5:05:07 PM) akseli: Next meeting
(5:05:16 PM) akseli: Does anyone have additional items in mind?
(5:05:45 PM) kkoehne_: akseli: pong
(5:07:11 PM) thiago_: yeah
(5:07:12 PM) akseli: If we start from packaging, any open items which would be categorized as blocker? johanna^
(5:07:21 PM) thiago_: building on Debian, not Ubuntu
(5:07:30 PM) thiago_: add to the end
(5:07:40 PM) thiago_ is now known as thiago
(5:08:13 PM) johanna: afaik there is no blockers, but I'm not sure what is the lates status of the license checker
(5:08:14 PM) akseli: thiago: ok, agenda item: building on Debian, not Ubuntu
(5:08:32 PM) johanna: iikka would know that better, there were some issues with that today
(5:09:43 PM) akseli: iieklund ain't present but joining later maybe we can get update from that
(5:09:57 PM) johanna: yes
(5:10:29 PM) akseli: we were unable to provide working vs2012 installer due to build machine issues so that have to be left later Qt5 releases
(5:11:06 PM) akseli: then about Qt 5.0.1 status: anyone aware of blocker \ showstopper items which would prevent release?
(5:11:18 PM) anshaw left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
(5:11:31 PM) ***thiago can't think of anything
(5:11:39 PM) ***kkoehne_ neither
(5:11:43 PM) ramotyka_: Not me.
(5:12:04 PM) akseli: Qt 5.0.1 RC2 was released today afternoon but that contained mimal delta to previously tested packages
(5:12:34 PM) kkoehne_: akseli: Are there any changes that weren't in RC2 that we'd like to see in still?
(5:12:59 PM) akseli: kkoehne:_ i'm not aware of such
(5:13:05 PM) kkoehne_: akseli: Okay, cool.
(5:13:25 PM) akseli: Creator 2.6.2 status then kkoehne_ ^
(5:13:51 PM) kkoehne_: I think we're ready for releasing 2.6.2 tomorrow
(5:14:17 PM) kkoehne_: We did some testing on the standalone packages, no blockers found so far.
(5:14:17 PM) fkleint [~fkleint at] entered the room.
(5:14:39 PM) kkoehne_: hjk volunteered to write a short blog post. I'll upload the packages.
(5:14:54 PM) kkoehne_: So from qt-creator side we're ready to go.
(5:15:49 PM) akseli: Then go \ no-go decision
(5:15:58 PM) akseli: RC2 hasn't been out for so many hours but my proposal
(5:16:30 PM) akseli: would be that if no blocker \ showstopper items are raised within 24 hours from RC2 annouce email
(5:16:58 PM) akseli: we could release Qt 5.0.1 officially - does that soud feasible for others?
(5:17:17 PM) ramotyka_: yep
(5:17:24 PM) ZapB: +1
(5:17:25 PM) akseli: that would mean release during Thursday afternoon
(5:17:27 PM) thiago: sounds ok
(5:17:30 PM) kkoehne_: +1
(5:17:30 PM) johanna: +1
(5:17:33 PM) thiago: make sure you write that clearly
(5:18:13 PM) akseli: thiago: you mean to meeting minutes?
(5:19:04 PM) thiago: yes
(5:19:24 PM) thiago: probably start with that so that people see it
(5:19:37 PM) akseli: thiago: ok
(5:20:45 PM) akseli: additionally to my proposal if we internally find some issues e.g. from commercial packages we may delay release without release team irc meeting
(5:20:58 PM) akseli: is that reasonable for all?
(5:21:29 PM) kkoehne_: Yes.
(5:22:36 PM) johanna: so we would delay both or just the commercial?
(5:23:12 PM) akseli: johanna: both, Qt open source version and for commercial licensees are released same time
(5:23:25 PM) johanna: akseli: ok
(5:23:38 PM) kkoehne_: I think it's okay to delay for a day or two if there's something to be fixed in the commercial packages, just for the sake of not confusing users.
(5:24:46 PM) akseli: So we have "go" decission to proceed with Qt 5.0.1 release then
(5:25:13 PM) akseli: next item: building on Debian, not Ubuntu thiago^
(5:25:48 PM) thiago: ok
(5:26:03 PM) thiago: what system do we build or Linux binaries on?
(5:26:15 PM) thiago: it's an Ubuntu 12.04, right?
(5:26:27 PM) johanna: it's ubuntu 11.10
(5:26:32 PM) thiago: ok
(5:26:49 PM) thiago: the problem is that those binaries do not run on any distribution that has GCC older than 4.6
(5:27:06 PM) thiago: I'd like to request, for new releases, we build on a distro with GCC 4.5
(5:27:13 PM) thiago: that's probably Debian today
(5:27:47 PM) johanna: would that be additional build with gcc 4.5 or replace the current 4.6?
(5:29:50 PM) kkoehne_: thiago: Does debian ship with libX11-xcb etc? That is, is the gcc version the only blocker?
(5:30:05 PM) thiago: it probably has all the dependencies
(5:30:12 PM) thiago: the problem I've seen is libstdc++.so.6
(5:30:17 PM) thiago: we link to a version too new
(5:30:18 PM) johanna: there was a reason why we took 11.10 into use (and not 10.4 or 12.??), just can't remember the details,
(5:30:35 PM) thiago: the rule of thumb for Linux binaries is: build on the oldest distro supposed to be supported
(5:30:41 PM) thiago: usually, that's Debian
(5:30:57 PM) ap| [~ap|__ at 91-66-49-211-dynip.superkabel.de] entered the room.
(5:32:43 PM) johanna: ok, I don't see any reason why we couldn't change to Debian, but I have this feeling there was something earlier with that.. :)
(5:32:49 PM) johanna: we need to check that
(5:33:25 PM) thiago: ok, that was all. I wanted to suggest for a further release.
(5:33:58 PM) sahumada: thiago: should we or could you file a jira task as P1 for 5.0.2 ?
(5:34:12 PM) sahumada: so we keep track of it
(5:34:16 PM) thiago: I don't have access to the build machines
(5:34:24 PM) thiago: this was a suggestion for people who do
(5:34:27 PM) kkoehne_: I'd just like to point out that Debian gcc 4.5 isn't part of the CI system.
(5:35:13 PM) kkoehne_: Though one can change that too, of course.
(5:35:22 PM) kkoehne_: thiago: How about you sending an e-mail to development to discuss it?
(5:36:10 PM) thiago: can do
(5:36:20 PM) thiago: shouldn't it be the releasing ML, though? this is about the binaries
(5:36:23 PM) kkoehne_: sahumada: In general I think we shouldn't switch machines for patch level versions.
(5:36:38 PM) kkoehne_: thiago: Maybe. But I think we should adapt the CI system then, too.
(5:37:08 PM) johanna: I agree, we need to have same configuration in CI also
(5:39:18 PM) iikka [~iikka2 at gprs-internet-bceed3-42.dhcp.inet.fi] entered the room.
(5:40:18 PM) akseli: thank you thiago presenting compiler version subject, decissions will be done on releasing mailing list then
(5:40:27 PM) thiago: ok
(5:42:10 PM) akseli: Next meeting: we are aiming to release Qt 5.0.1 soon and without additional release team irc meeting
(5:42:33 PM) akseli: if blocker items are found then i would propose we agree separate meeting time
(5:42:47 PM) kkoehne_: akseli: Sounds good.
(5:43:01 PM) kkoehne_: akseli: Do we have a time for tomorrow if all goes well?
(5:43:49 PM) sletta_ [~sletta at] entered the room.
(5:44:08 PM) akseli: kkoehne_: when release can be done at earliest?
(5:44:28 PM) kkoehne_: akseli: Yes.
(5:44:47 PM) kkoehne_: akseli: Anyway, I'm also fine with 'sometime tomorrow afternoon.'. I'll be here :)
(5:44:58 PM) sletta left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(5:44:59 PM) sletta_ is now known as sletta
(5:45:17 PM) akseli: email timestamp was 14.11 (Finland) so after that:)
(5:45:56 PM) akseli: kkoehne_: aiming for the next full hour (at 15.00 Finland)
(5:46:10 PM) sahumada: akseli: so 15:00 CET ?
(5:46:12 PM) kkoehne_: akseli: Okay.
(5:46:16 PM) akseli: sahumada: yes
(5:46:55 PM) akseli: sahumada: sorry, 14:00 CET I think
(5:47:13 PM) sahumada: akseli: ok .. 14:00 (Oslo/Berlin) .. 15:00 (Finland)
(5:47:34 PM) akseli: sahumada: yes
(5:47:39 PM) kkoehne_: akseli: I guess updating docs etc will be taken care of?
(5:48:03 PM) akseli: kkoehne_: updating docs is ongoing and taken care of
(5:48:14 PM) kkoehne_: akseli: Great.
(5:49:27 PM) akseli: if nothing else thank you all for participating this meeting and the previous meetings. next release meeting will be closer to Qt 5.0.2 and 5.1.0 releases assuming no showstoppers from Qt 5.0.1 found.
(5:49:47 PM) sahumada: bye
(5:49:50 PM) kkoehne_: bye
(5:49:55 PM) johanna: bye
(5:49:55 PM) iikka: bye
(5:49:58 PM) ZapB: bye and thanks
(5:51:08 PM) ramotyka_: bye
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