[Releasing] Meeting minutes: Qt 5.1 release team meeting 24.06.2013

Heikkinen Jani Jani.Heikkinen at digia.com
Mon Jun 24 18:39:38 CEST 2013


Meeting minutes from Qt 5.1 release team meeting 24.06.2013:

-        We should have new installers available tomorrow

o   some small installer fixes done, e.g. maintenance tool links on windows etc. but nothing major

-        Open item in the installer needs still some work

o   Related to the patching mechanism and online repositories (the current version doesn't work if somebody installs only essential and then install the extra modules later)

o   Fix needed before final if it cannot be handled via maintenance tool update

-        Error amount still increasing (396 open 5.1 issues)

-        https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-31856 is meta task containing errors to be fixed before final

o   a snapshot with fixes to the issues in that meta task will be the Qt5.1 RC2 and it is informed to the community when available

-        Plan is to get RC2 out mid this week

o   Then final could be out at the end of next week (if nothing serious found during testing)

-        Plan is to get Qt5.1.1 out during August by persons who aren't in the vacation

o   Release team meetings will be held with persons available, starting at the beginning of August

Next meeting: Monday 01.07.2013 16:00-17:00 CET



Irc log below:

[17:00:49] <jaheikki3> akseli: iieklund: kkoehne: sahumada: thiago: fkleint: ZapB: tronical:ping
[17:00:58] <kkoehne> jaheikki3: pong
[17:00:58] <sahumada> jaheikki3: pong
[17:01:00] <iieklund> jaheikki3: pong
[17:01:01] <akseli> pong
[17:01:23] <fkleint> jaheikki3: pong
[17:01:49] <jaheikki3> Time to start Qt 5.1 release meeting
[17:02:06] <jaheikki3> On agenda today:
[17:02:06] <jaheikki3> 5.1 Installer status
[17:02:06] <jaheikki3> 5.1 Error Metrics
[17:02:06] <jaheikki3> 5.1 Final release
[17:02:08] <jaheikki3> 5.1.1 release
[17:02:15] <jaheikki3> Next meeting
[17:02:15] <jaheikki3> Any additional items to agenda?
[17:02:24] <thiago> jaheikki3: pong
[17:03:13] <jaheikki3> feel free to bring topics during meeting .. starting then from 5.1 Installers
[17:03:24] <iieklund> ok
[17:03:30] <iieklund> for tomorrow we should have installers, linux builds failed last night but fix related to that is merged now
[17:04:00] <iieklund> some small installer fixes done, e.g. maintenance tool links on windows etc.
[17:04:06] <iieklund> nothing major
[17:04:26] <iieklund> there is one item though that is a bit open
[17:04:36] <iieklund> related to patching in general
[17:05:09] <iieklund> tim has been working on with updated patching mechanism..but it's getting a bit too last minute change
[17:05:32] <iieklund> reason for this is the patching mechanism and online repositories
[17:05:59] <iieklund> with current implementation users may get patching related problems later on when updating content
[17:06:45] <iieklund> "the current situation doesn't work if somebody installs only essential and then install the extra modules later"
[17:07:02] <iieklund> so this is related to online content
[17:07:33] <iieklund> but we'll see during the next couple days how this proceeds
[17:08:03] <kkoehne> iieklund: Is this something we could fix in an update of the sdktool later on?
[17:08:15] <jaheikki3> iieklund: Is there Jira report available about the issue?
[17:08:22] <iieklund> kkoehne: need to ask from tim
[17:08:31] <iieklund> jaheikki3: there are some reports
[17:08:42] <iieklund> jaheikki3: I can ask tim now..
[17:09:08] <thiago> the question is: is this problem a P1?
[17:09:49] <iieklund> no if we can manage this by maintenance tool update
[17:10:02] <iieklund> I need to verify this with tim
[17:10:43] <jaheikki3> How common use case this is eventually?
[17:10:49] <kkoehne> thiago: It's an annoying issue, since the whole point of an online installer is that you can install things later on in addition. So I'ld really like to see that fixed. But maybe it's okay to have as a known defect, for soem limitted time.
[17:11:35] <thiago> someone needs to make the call if it is P1
[17:11:39] <thiago> if it is P1, it blocks the release
[17:11:47] <thiago> if it isn't P1, we can live with it
[17:12:34] <jaheikki3> OK, let's add item to the meta task if it cannot be managed by maintenance tool update
[17:12:42] <iieklund> kkoehne: is tim at office still? can you ask if this is manageable by maintenance tool update?
[17:13:24] <jaheikki3> Anything else related to installers?
[17:13:26] <kkoehne> iieklund: He's right now not at his desk. Will try to catch him later on ...
[17:13:35] <iieklund> jaheikki3: no, that's all
[17:13:57] <jaheikki3> OK, let's continue then with error metrics
[17:14:13] <jaheikki3> Open 5.1.0 issues: 396 (82 more than two weeks ago)
[17:14:22] <jaheikki3> 1 P0
[17:14:32] <jaheikki3> and 34 P1 (2 less than two weeks ago)
[17:15:11] <jaheikki3> P0 is QTBUG-31862: QDir::mkpath fails on Windows if the working directory is not on the same drive
[17:15:34] <kkoehne> jaheikki3: A fix for this one is right now integrating ...
[17:15:39] <thiago> whose work is being blocked by that P0?
[17:16:11] <kkoehne> thiago: There were some reported errors in the installer which most likely had this as root cause
[17:16:11] <fkleint> inverted questions is easier to answer....
[17:16:36] <jaheikki3> I think everyone who is not using default isntallation path...
[17:16:37] <thiago> so it's a P1, not a P0
[17:16:58] <kkoehne> thiago: If that's not a P0, I don't know what a P0 is.
[17:17:00] <tijensse_> moin
[17:17:12] <thiago> P0 is when your work is blocked
[17:17:25] <fkleint> This is pretty embarrasing, yes, let's hope it is fixed and not argue
[17:17:36] <thiago> it's a P1: it must be fixed before the release
[17:17:45] <thiago> P0 means: it must be fixed now because I can't work
[17:18:22] <jaheikki3> Yes, as Kai said fix is just integrating
[17:18:57] <jaheikki3> Anything else related to these?
[17:19:53] <thiago> we need attention to the P1 issues too
[17:20:22] <fkleint> I wonder what the status of Gunnar's  QWidget::createWindowContainer() bugs is? is he working on them?
[17:20:45] <jaheikki3> fkleint: 2 of those has fix already
[17:20:58] <fkleint> hm, ok
[17:21:03] <jaheikki3> and third one will be fixed in 5.1.1
[17:21:24] <jaheikki3> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-31856 is meta task containing errors to be fixed before final
[17:22:46] <jaheikki3> thiago, we know there is quite many of P1 open but we have browsed those through
[17:22:56] <fkleint> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-31786 also  has a merged change ..is it done?
[17:23:00] <fkleint> no ossi here...
[17:23:09] <fkleint> went home already..
[17:23:45] <jaheikki3> fkleint: according to my understanding it is fixed but fix isn't out yet
[17:23:58] <sahumada> QTBUG-31786 is fixed already
[17:24:47] <sahumada> will be part of the next snapshots
[17:25:39] <jaheikki3> Situation in the https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-31856 is actually pretty good, most of issues should be fixed and fixes available in the next snapshot
[17:25:49] <fkleint> yes
[17:26:25] <jaheikki3> Actually we are already as kind of discussing next topic which is 5.1 Final release
[17:27:32] <jaheikki3> Our proposal is that when we have a snapshot with those fixes in we will inform to community that it is RC2
[17:27:56] <thiago> next Monday?
[17:28:16] <jaheikki3> And handle it as a final if there isn't any new critical issues found during testing
[17:28:33] <jaheikki3> thiago: Hoping during this week
[17:28:46] <thiago> so about a week and a half between releases?
[17:29:25] <jaheikki3> thiago: Yes
[17:29:28] <thiago> if we release RC2 mid-week, we should be able to release the final in 2 weeks from now, assuming there are no more showstopper bugs
[17:30:45] <jaheikki3> We hpe we could do it even earlier because of coming holiday season...
[17:31:06] <thiago> less than a week and a half between releases is not ok
[17:31:12] <thiago> that's not enough time for people to report bugs
[17:31:52] <thiago> and for us to process them
[17:32:40] <kkoehne> thiago: Weren't we down to 48 hours for 5.0?
[17:32:48] <jaheikki3> Are we expecting so much new testing for this RC2?
[17:33:35] <thiago> that was before we changed the release model
[17:33:52] <thiago> that was when we were doing release candidates for the RCs
[17:35:43] <jaheikki3> In my opinion there isn't so much changes between RC1 & RC2?
[17:36:48] <jaheikki3> That's why I propose that if we get it ready mid this week we could do official release at the end of next week
[17:37:20] <thiago> end of next week and Monday in the week after are the same for me
[17:37:23] <thiago> so that's acceptable
[17:37:45] -*- kkoehne would be surprised if there'll be really anyone testing it after 3 days, but well ...
[17:39:36] <jaheikki3> Ok, let's proceed with this plan. Hoping we get all fixed really soon.
[17:39:59] <jaheikki3> next 5.1.1 release
[17:40:09] <kkoehne> Anyway, we're coming now _very_ close to the creator 2.8.0 release, which is scheduled in two weeks.
[17:40:51] <jaheikki3> So meaning week after now planned 5.1 release?
[17:41:03] <kkoehne> jaheikki3: yes
[17:41:17] <jaheikki3> Is it a problem?
[17:41:47] <fkleint> A chance , not a problem..
[17:41:51] <kkoehne> jaheikki3: Well, only that we'll have to do an update of creator in the online installers 1 week after we shipped the first online installer,w hich is more work :)
[17:42:43] <kkoehne> jaheikki3: I'd say let's see. But if we slip a few days more, we really should switch to 2.8.0.
[17:43:29] <jaheikki3> Let's not slip then
[17:43:33] <jaheikki3> ;)
[17:43:35] <kkoehne> jaheikki3: :)
[17:43:51] <jaheikki3> OK, then 5.1.1 release
[17:44:01] <jaheikki3>  Plan is get this out during August by persons who aren't in the vacation
[17:44:36] <jaheikki3> How we proceed with these release team meetings? Is there persons available who can participate during holiday period? Meaning July-August...
[17:45:43] <thiago> I can
[17:45:51] <thiago> no vacation for me until Christmas
[17:45:54] <thiago> I've just had mine
[17:47:23] <jaheikki3> Anyone else?
[17:47:30] <thiago> who else? meetings of 1 person aren't meetings
[17:47:45] <kkoehne> thiago: I guess most of us will take some time off, but not the whole two months :)
[17:48:01] <fkleint> I will be on holiday beginning of August. so during July I will be here...shouldn't really be a problem,
[17:48:15] <sahumada> I will be here as well
[17:48:26] <fkleint> I'd worry more about the CI falling apart  or similar
[17:48:28] <thiago> oh well, even if everyone were around, we wouldn't be doing 5.1.1 release meetings for at least 2 weeks after 5.1.0
[17:48:29] <fkleint> hah;-)
[17:49:00] <thiago> that would place the earliest meeting at after QtCS
[17:49:28] <jaheikki3> But it is agreed we held those meeting with those persons who are available
[17:49:30] <jaheikki3> ?
[17:49:35] <fkleint> yep. sure
[17:49:44] <jaheikki3> Starting from the beginning of August?
[17:50:15] <fkleint> sure
[17:50:34] <thiago> yes
[17:50:56] <jaheikki3> OK, agreed. Is there anything else or should we plan next meeting?
[17:51:59] <thiago> not from me
[17:51:59] <jaheikki3> If not, next meeting on next monday in that same time?
[17:52:16] <fkleint> yup
[17:52:17] <thiago> yup
[17:52:26] <iieklund> ok
[17:52:38] <thiago> if everything works fine, it will be shortly after RC2 is out
[17:52:47] <kkoehne> jaheikki3: May I do a heretic suggestion? If we're serious about releasing 5.1.1 in August, it must be a tighly controlled release with a small diff. Can we just continue to pick from release branch?
[17:53:00] <thiago> btw, I'd appreciate status updates on the creation of RC2 sent to the releasing ML
[17:53:24] <thiago> kkoehne: there are pending changes that are expected to be in 5.1.1
[17:53:30] <thiago> the best we can do is branch early
[17:53:51] <jaheikki3> thiago: true.
[17:54:36] <kkoehne> thiago: Well, we could also break our rules and start cherry-picking :) Anyway, branching early sounds good, too.
[17:55:38] <jaheikki3> OK, let's try it. We know it will be challenging...
[17:56:02] <jaheikki3> Thanks for everyone
[17:56:05] <thiago> thanks
[17:56:11] <thiago> please send the RC2 updates to the ML
[17:56:20] <jaheikki3> thiago: I will4
[17:57:29] <jaheikki3> bye
[17:57:46] <iieklund> bye
[17:58:40] <fkleint> bye
[17:58:56] <sahumada> bye

Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager

Digia Plc
Elektroniikkatie 10, FI 90590 Oulu Finland
Email: jani.heikkinen at digia.com<mailto:jani.heikkinen at digia.com>
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