[Releasing] Meeting minutes: Qt 5.1 release team meeting 29.04.2013
Francisco Ortega
franciscoraulortega at gmail.com
Thu May 2 16:45:01 CEST 2013
How about QT Win64/Windows 7/Visual Studio 2012/OPenGL Desktop?
On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Salovaara Akseli <
Akseli.Salovaara at digia.com> wrote:
> Hi,****
> ** **
> Meeting minutes from Qt 5.1 release team meeting 29.04.2013:****
> **- **First installers available last Friday and new installers
> should be available via
> http://download.qt-project.org/snapshots/qt/5.1/5.1.0-beta1/backups/ daily
> ****
> **o **Win8/MSVC2012 64bit OpenGL package available as new installer****
> **- **For now configure.exe will be available via .7z and .zip
> source archives like in previous releases. Thiago will study if we can
> change configure.exe to follow the same rules as the include headers from
> syncqt.****
> **- **It seems that some cleanup is needed in Bugreports****
> **o **More than 40 error corrections during week 17 according to code
> review changes, only 8 errors corrected according to Bugreports statistic*
> ***
> **- **MinGW 4.8.0 integration: It was integrated in the CI
> system but that resulted in weird errors and was reverted. Studies ongoing
> to resolve the issue.****
> **- **Package ICU 5.1 instead of ICU 4.9****
> **o **Current packages still use ICU 4.9. Pre-compiled ICU 5.1 +
> runtime waiting for installing them on the build machines & change the
> local configuration****
> **- **Merge from stable to release will happen once stable is
> good enough (meaning sometime after beta(s) is released and there isn’t any
> major findings)****
> **- **Next meeting 06.05.2013 16:00 CET****
> ** **
> IRC log below****
> ** **
> Br,****
> Akseli****
> ****
> (17:00:29) *akseli: *iieklund: kkoehne: ramotyka: sahumada: thiago:
> fkleint: ZapB: tronical: janiheikkinen: ping
> (17:00:35) sahumada|home: akseli: pong
> (17:00:38) *janiheikkinen: *pong
> (17:01:05) fkleint: akseli: pong
> (17:01:19) thiago: akseli: pong
> (17:01:29) kkoehne: akseli: pong
> (17:01:46) ZapB: akseli: pong
> (17:01:54) akseli: Time to start Qt 5.1 release team meeting
> (17:01:54) akseli: On agenda today:
> (17:01:59) akseli: - 5.1 installer \ packaging status
> (17:02:00) akseli: - 5.1 error metrics
> (17:02:00) akseli: - MinGW version change from 4.7.2 to 4.8.0
> (17:02:00) akseli: - Package ICU 5.1 instead of ICU 4.9
> (17:02:00) akseli: - Merging stable->release (timing)
> (17:02:06) akseli: Other topics we should have in agenda?
> (17:02:56) thiago: not from me
> (17:03:10) akseli: feel free to raise topics during meeting... if i start
> from the installers
> (17:03:33) akseli: first installers available last friday and new
> installers should be available via
> http://download.qt-project.org/snapshots/qt/5.1/5.1.0-beta1/backups/every day
> (17:03:41) akseli: experimental Android offline installers available
> (Linux and Windows host installers, armv7 and x86 targets included)
> (17:03:52) akseli: Win8/MSVC2012 64bit OpenGL package available as new
> installer
> (17:04:23) akseli: deceided on mailing list that no changes into
> configure.exe (.7z and .zip source archives) will be done compared to
> previous releases
> (17:04:42) akseli: currently testing syncqt if and how it affects builds
> (17:05:33) akseli: any questions or comments regarding to installers
> available?
> (17:06:47) thiago: configure.exe in big .zip => agreed
> (17:07:04) thiago: big .zip and big .tar.gz differing => not agreed
> (17:07:27) thiago: put the file in all packages or none. Don't
> differentiate based on .7z/.zip vs .tar.gz/.tar.xz
> (17:07:47) thiago: is configure.exe in the qtbase*.zip ?
> (17:08:01) kkoehne: I agree with Thiago. I think the current association
> with .zip->windows, tar.gz ->unix etc is bogus.
> (17:08:47) sahumada|home: thiago: yes ... qtbase*zip and qtbase*7z
> (17:09:30) thiago: I don't like that
> (17:09:41) thiago: the discussion on the ML is that qtbase is pristing
> (17:09:43) thiago: pristine
> (17:09:49) sahumada|home: I sent an email to releasing at qt-project.org as
> we agreed on this meeting
> (17:09:52) thiago: the big packages aren't verifiable anyway, so we may
> modify as needed
> (17:12:15) akseli: so configure.exe should be in big zip & tar.gz
> packages and removed from modulare qtbase.* ?
> (17:13:38) sahumada|home: no .. configure.exe will stay as it is today ..
> according to what is was (not)decided in the ML
> (17:14:16) thiago: I'd say configure.exe should follow the same rules as
> the include headers from syncqt
> (17:14:39) thiago: the proposal was that syncqt would be run on the big
> package, but not on qtbase and the other individual files
> (17:17:09) akseli: i think we had problems having configure.exe on tar.gz
> since that package is generated on linux but can't remember more details
> (17:17:29) akseli: unfortunately iieklund is away at the moment and cant
> check details
> (17:18:43) thiago: I won't have time to look into mksrc in the next
> couple of weeks
> (17:18:49) thiago: but that shouldn't be hard to do
> (17:19:02) akseli: i have feeling that we might run into unnecessary
> delays with configure.exe & tar.gz if trying to bundle it now
> (17:19:06) thiago: we had people downloading the .tar.gz for Windows
> because it was smaller. We need it there.
> (17:19:08) sahumada|home: if we remove configure.exe from qtbase (zip and
> 7z ) .. then somebody needs to make qtbase to bootstrap configure.exe
> (17:19:32) thiago: sahumada|home: it does that today in the repo.
> (17:19:40) thiago: which means it has bad code inside that tries to
> bypass that.
> (17:19:49) kkoehne: thiago: only if .gitignore is there, AFAIK
> (17:19:59) sahumada|home: thiago: only for git builds .. I think .. not
> from the qtbase source package
> (17:20:05) thiago: thank you for confirming "bad code" :-)
> (17:20:37) thiago: what happens if you remove the check?
> (17:21:10) thiago: hmm.. no .o are shipped, so it will build again
> (17:21:46) thiago: we'd need to change the Makefile to avoid doing
> anything if the .exe is newer than the sources
> (17:22:09) thiago: I'll take that offline
> (17:24:07) akseli: as long as we are able to produce builds & installers
> to continue qt5.1 i don't feel confortable to make changes. this might not
> be the most important feature of qt5.1 after all
> (17:24:30) akseli: i'm not saying that nothing will be changed but now i
> would like to continue as it is ..
> (17:25:22) thiago: ok, so let's put it this way: if I can make it happen,
> we'll consider the change
> (17:25:34) thiago: otherwise, configure.exe stays in qtbase
> (17:25:59) akseli: sounds like a plan
> (17:26:01) thiago: note that the change might be necessary *anyway* in
> order to enable the syncqt & headers that was proposed on the ML
> (17:26:54) akseli: ok, lets see how that will go
> (17:27:03) *akseli: *next item: 5.1 error metrics, janiheikkinen^
> (17:27:11) *janiheikkinen: *Hi
> (17:27:16) *janiheikkinen: *Snapshot from Jira earlier today:
> (17:27:31) *janiheikkinen: *Open 5.1 cases: 154 ( 28 more than last week)
> (17:27:51) *janiheikkinen: *P0: 0
> (17:28:06) *janiheikkinen: *P1: 20 (4 more than last week)
> (17:28:21) *janiheikkinen: *Not evaluated: 53 (9 more than last week)
> (17:28:32) ZapB: do you have a link to the meta bug please?
> (17:28:54) akseli: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30688
> (17:28:59) ZapB: thx
> (17:29:28) *janiheikkinen: *And then interesting detail ;)
> (17:29:49) *janiheikkinen: *More than 40 error corrections during week 17
> according to gerrit changes, only 8 errors corrected according to Jira
> statistic
> (17:30:36) *janiheikkinen: *So I think not all Jira cases are up to date
> (17:31:04) *kkoehne: *janiheikkinen: DO the 40 ones contain Task-number:
> entries?
> (17:31:22) *janiheikkinen: *Yes
> (17:32:56) kkoehne: Alright, then we indeed have to do some clean up. Or
> people are waiting to see their changes in a qt.git update (which I doubt)
> (17:33:41) akseli: there ain
> (17:34:09) akseli: *there ain't so many bugs linked against 5.1 beta
> metabug. anyone aware of additional items which belongs there?
> (17:34:41) fkleint: akseli: The docu meta bug..
> (17:35:00) sahumada|home: the syncqt change should be there .. if we are
> aiming that for 5.1
> (17:35:10) fkleint: akseli:
> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30173
> (17:36:45) fkleint: akseli: added
> (17:36:49) akseli: aware of document meta bug and can see that not all of
> subtasks are up to date
> (17:37:03) akseli: fkleint: thanks
> (17:37:44) fkleint: akseli: I created yet another subtask to the doc bug
> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30912
> (17:38:05) fkleint: akseli: since the examples are a bit messed up
> (17:38:09) sahumada|home: I wonder if
> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30923 is a blocker ..
> Charts is not an opensource project .. is it ?
> (17:39:01) fkleint: OMG, a graphicsview fix by AAHansen caused this?
> (17:39:03) akseli: Not a blocker, Charts is not part of open source but
> have to be checked if root cause is on Qt itself
> (17:39:13) fkleint: we will never get that fixed
> (17:39:38) thiago: I have a crash-on-start with subsurface too
> (17:40:09) thiago: anyway, the above bug is invalid unless a testcase is
> posted
> (17:40:35) thiago: or "Not enough info"
> (17:40:43) thiago: you can't expect bibr to debug Charts
> (17:42:59) akseli: I will ask more info besided adding comment already to
> 30923
> (17:44:24) akseli: already a bit worried (based on "we will never get
> that fixed") but please link against metabug if find additional problems
> (17:45:05) akseli: maybe then moving onwards..
> (17:45:11) akseli: MinGW version change from 4.7.2 to 4.8.0, kkoehne^
> (17:45:32) kkoehne: akseli: Yeah, we tried to get 4.8.0 in the CI system,
> but that resulted in weird errors, and was reverted.
> (17:45:57) kkoehne: 'weird errors" being that gcc claimed that it
> couldn't find system header files that should be there, int eh default
> locations
> (17:46:18) thiago: as in "headers that GCC installed" ?
> (17:46:23) kkoehne: thiago: yes
> (17:46:43) kkoehne: I'm right now trying to replicate the exact setup
> here on my machine, locally, since I don't have access to the CI build
> machines
> (17:47:24) kkoehne: However, without any luck so far :(
> (17:47:37) thiago: probably a bad install
> (17:48:25) kkoehne: Yeah, although sfalt already verified that the header
> in place _is_ there. Might be also that we're hitting somehow a limit on
> the number of include dirs or s.th. I've seen similar issues when trying
> to do a shadow build of qt where the paths just got too long.
> (17:48:31) kkoehne: But that wasn't a 4.8.0 regression :(
> (17:48:54) kkoehne: I'll bug sfalt tomorrow morning again to have a
> second look on the machine itself.
> (17:49:38) kkoehne: We could also just try to deploy to the build
> machines, and see whether it'
> (17:49:43) kkoehne: s an issue there, too
> (17:50:07) kkoehne: will ask iieklund tomorrow whether we can try that.
> (17:50:40) kkoehne: akseli: That's it.
> (17:50:42) akseli: ok, thank you for the update
> (17:50:51) akseli: next item: Package ICU 5.1 instead of ICU 4.9, kkoehne^
> (17:51:45) kkoehne: Current packages still use ICU 4.9. I just uploaded
> runtime + -devel packages containing pre-compiled icu 5.1 for all platforms
> to download.qt-project.org
> (17:52:03) kkoehne:
> http://download.qt-project.org/development_releases/prebuilt/icu/specifically
> (17:52:04) thiago: any problems?
> (17:52:29) kkoehne: No, just that someone has to put them on the build
> machines, change the local configuration + we then have to update the
> installer scripts to use the new versions, too.
> (17:52:50) kkoehne: I guess iieklund is most qualified to do this.
> (17:53:22) kkoehne: akseli: That's it for ICU, too :)
> (17:53:29) thiago: ICU is a subject for QtCS too
> (17:54:30) kkoehne: Yes, please :)
> (17:54:45) fkleint: yes, it would be fantastic to get rid of it..not sure
> if it can be fully replaced by WinAPI?
> (17:55:09) thiago: let's not get ourselves dragged into this now
> (17:55:12) thiago: :-)
> (17:55:20) fkleint: oki ;-)
> (17:55:30) akseli: thanks for the update and last item from agenda:
> Merging stable->release, sahumada^
> (17:55:42) thiago: post-beta
> (17:55:48) thiago: beta is released from stable
> (17:56:47) sahumada|home: thiago: my question is .. what if we do two
> betas ? how do we let people know when we are going to do the merge so they
> dont stage in stable
> (17:57:09) thiago: are the two questions related?
> (17:57:21) thiago: if so, I don't see how
> (17:57:26) thiago: if we do two betas, we release twice from stable
> (17:57:40) sahumada|home: thiago: I'd like to send an email today letting
> people know when we are aiming to merge stable->release
> (17:57:44) thiago: and even if we do just one beta, we need to let people
> know about the builds
> (17:57:53) thiago: sure, do that
> (17:58:23) thiago: it should be after the beta cycle is complete and we
> start the release cycle
> (17:58:39) thiago: that is, once stable reaches quality to be merged to
> releases
> (17:58:40) sahumada|home: ok .. will do .. so I'll say we will merge
> stable->release after the first Beta is out
> (17:59:01) thiago: well, technically it should be a few weeks after, when
> we know whether we have release quality
> (17:59:04) ZapB: sahumada|home: after last beta you mean?
> (17:59:08) thiago: when we know there won't be a new beta
> (17:59:16) sahumada|home: ZapB: yes .. that even
> (17:59:24) kkoehne: I don't think the world will end if , for some
> reason, we release an (unplanned) beta2 from release instead of stable.
> (17:59:38) sahumada|home: thiago: thanks .. that's more clear for me now
> (17:59:43) kkoehne: But we don't plan for a beta 2, do we? :)
> (17:59:59) thiago: no, we don't plan for one
> (18:00:08) thiago: we'll know when we are beta1+2weeks
> (18:01:03) akseli: i think we should try to produce beta release during
> next week if possible. just to see where we are.
> (18:02:38) akseli: mingw and icu items exists but possibly solved during
> this week already - i hope
> (18:03:07) kkoehne: akseli: Yeah, I'd really love to get the updates in
> the beta. The idea is that people test the updates with the beta, after all.
> (18:06:10) akseli: lets see where we are at the end of the week.. if
> mingw and icu solved very quickly maybe additional release team meeting
> will be held during this week even?
> (18:06:48) akseli: othewise i would like to propose next meeting on next
> Monday 16:00 CET
> (18:07:26) akseli: or does anyone have additional items for today?
> (18:07:35) ZapB: nothing from me
> (18:07:38) kkoehne: no.
> (18:07:42) *janiheikkinen: *no
> (18:07:42) sahumada|home: no
> (18:07:50) fkleint: no
> (18:08:23) akseli: next meeting then on Monday 16:00 CET at latest
> (18:08:30) akseli: thank you all for the meeting****
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