[Releasing] Meeting minutes: Qt 5.1 release team meeting 13.05.2013

Heikkinen Jani Jani.Heikkinen at digia.com
Tue May 14 06:54:52 CEST 2013


Meeting minutes from Qt 5.1 release team meeting 13.05.2013:

-         Action Points:

o   Jani: Check why there is difference in amount of corrected errors in Jira & error corrections in git log

o   Rafal: Propose improvements to testing process, forms ect to make testing easier and getting more persons involved

-         Newest installer available

o   Windows Android installer not ready for beta1

o   MinGW & msvc2012 update after Beta1 is out

-         Qt5.1 error amount still increasing

o   No blocker error known

o   Number of unevaluated cases is degreasing (a bit)

o   It seems that all corrected errors haven't correct status in jira, AP to Jani to clarify situation

-         5.1 Beta release will be done Tue 14.4.2013 if nothing serious found

-         We need to get more people involved in package testing

o   After last week's testing request we didn't get any testing report outside Digia

o   Rafal to check processes, forms etc to see if we can make testing easier and that way get more people involved.

-         Next meeting  21.05.2013 16:00 CET

IRC log below


(17:00:28) janiheikkinen1: iieklund: kkoehne: ramotyka: sahumada: thiago: fkleint: ZapB: tronical: aksalova: ping
(17:00:37) sahumada: janiheikkinen1: pong
(17:00:46) kkoehne: janiheikkinen1: pong
(17:01:26) thiago: janiheikkinen1: pong
(17:01:59) janiheikkinen1: Time to start Qt 5.1 release team meeting
(17:02:12) janiheikkinen1: On agenda today:
(17:02:25) janiheikkinen1: - Installer \ Packaging status
(17:02:29) fkleint: janiheikkinen: pong
(17:02:32) janiheikkinen1: - 5.1 Error Metrics
(17:02:49) janiheikkinen1: - 5.1 Known issues wiki
(17:02:57) janiheikkinen1: 5.1 Beta release tomorrow
(17:03:10) janiheikkinen1: - Getting more feedback from community
(17:03:17) janiheikkinen1: Other topics we should have in agenda
(17:03:22) janiheikkinen1: ?
(17:03:26) ramotyka_: pong
(17:03:56) sahumada: I think we should add something like "Action Points from last meeting" or something like it
(17:04:13) seanh: pong
(17:05:13) janiheikkinen1: OK, let's start from "Action Points from last meeting"
(17:05:36) janiheikkinen1: sahumada, something for you
(17:06:15) sahumada: not that I remember from y side
(17:06:26) bbandix on nyt nimeltään 45PAACJPD
(17:08:38) janiheikkinen1: I quickly checked memo of last meeting and didn't find anything related to action points. Does anyone has some ap?
(17:09:58) janiheikkinen1: if not, let's continue with installer status
(17:10:47) thiago: can we speed this up, please?
(17:10:52) thiago: the conference has already started
(17:10:53) janiheikkinen1: Newest opensource installers should be available soon. please wait for separate mail for correct lgpl installers
(17:11:11) janiheikkinen1: o same content as last week end, now contains additional fixes:
(17:11:18) janiheikkinen1: § Linux android installers fixed
(17:11:28) janiheikkinen1: & Updated qtquickcontrols
(17:11:44) janiheikkinen1: Linux android installers contain the missing libgnustl_shared.so file
(17:11:59) janiheikkinen1: added as a patch, file copied into <Qt>/lib. Proper fix is here: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,55942, Which will make in to release after beta1
(17:12:13) janiheikkinen1: Windows Android installer not ready for beta1
(17:12:24) janiheikkinen1: MinGW version is 4.7 which will be updated into 4.8 after beta1
(17:12:36) janiheikkinen1: msvc2012 version does not have any service packs installed, will be updated into sp2 after beta1 is out
(17:12:48) janiheikkinen1: default examples in creator a bit broken, mentioned in known issues page
(17:13:13) janiheikkinen1: Any comments/Questions?
(17:13:40) thiago: gnustl? or gnutls?
(17:14:15) thiago: gnustl
(17:14:16) thiago: never mind
(17:14:36) janiheikkinen1: Anything else?
(17:14:58) thiago: has each package been tested?
(17:15:06) thiago: install + sanity check cycle?
(17:15:34) janiheikkinen1: ramotyka?
(17:15:45) ramotyka_: Jani,
(17:15:57) ramotyka_: Could you look at our test results?
(17:15:57) fkleint: I guess not each package, I did WInMSVC2012 + Linux 64
(17:16:09) ramotyka_: I don't have access to internal network now.
(17:16:13) thiago: ok
(17:16:21) ramotyka_: I think not all of them.
(17:16:22) thiago: do we plan to release the packages that haven't been tested?
(17:16:24) fkleint: hoping the bugs are representative
(17:16:27) ossi|tt_ on nyt nimeltään ossi|tt
(17:17:00) fkleint: It could be that some combination of MSVC-version/MinGW /ANgle/OpenGL remains untested, yes
(17:17:09) thiago: let me make a suggestion:
(17:17:16) thiago: we release *everything* we produced during the beta
(17:17:21) thiago: tested and untested
(17:17:50) thiago: but we make a note that only packages that get tested after that will be included for the final
(17:18:00) thiago: we will not release untested packages for RC
(17:18:38) janiheikkinen1: If fkleint tested MSWC2012 OpenGL version, then all packages are tested
(17:18:58) janiheikkinen1: I tested msvc2012 Angle
(17:19:04) fkleint: How about Linux32?
(17:19:24) kkoehne: fkleint: marked as tested.
(17:19:28) janiheikkinen1: Tested by aksalova
(17:19:57) fkleint: Very briefly, I guess, since the WebKit 1/Sensors warnings went unnoticed. OK, anyways, for the final, we need to get more people involved
(17:20:53) janiheikkinen1: fkleint: Right, we have that issue at the last item of our agenda
(17:21:17) fkleint: ok
(17:21:33) janiheikkinen1: So we can say that each package is tested, at least somehow
(17:22:13) janiheikkinen1: Lets move on. Next 5.1 error statistic:
(17:22:33) janiheikkinen1: Open 5.1 cases: 183 ( 29 more than two weeks ago)
(17:22:44) janiheikkinen1: No p0
(17:23:04) janiheikkinen1: 21 P1, which is one more than two weeks ago
(17:23:25) janiheikkinen1: 45 not evaluated, 8 less than two weeks ago
(17:23:38) janiheikkinen1: 30 errors corrected according to Jira. But again, more than 50 corrections integrated according to git logs
(17:24:38) janiheikkinen1: Maybe jira isn't (yet) up to date
(17:26:25) kkoehne: janiheikkinen1: We've had this before. Would be cool to actually know how this can happen.
(17:27:02) kkoehne: janiheikkinen1: I mean, it's great to have statistics, but it's not so cool to have statistics that contradict each other :)
(17:27:25) kkoehne: janiheikkinen1: Anyway, I guess all we care about for the beta is whether there's a blocker , which it seems there isn't.
(17:27:51) janiheikkinen1: kkoehne: You are right ;)
(17:28:06) janiheikkinen1: lets continue with 5.1 Known issues wiki
(17:28:16) kkoehne: janiheikkinen1: Can you provide the link?
(17:28:22) janiheikkinen1: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt510beta1KnownIssues
(17:28:46) janiheikkinen1: Do you see if any important is missing?
(17:29:19) fkleint: The Android issue is fixed, is it?
(17:29:31) fkleint: see above,.or did I get it wrong?
(17:29:42) olli_: Jani: Could you have an AP to check what kkoehne commented. Mayby sent result to releases mailing list later this week.
(17:30:29) kkoehne: janiheikkinen1: THere's a potential for confusion on "Check that your system meets Qt's requirements [qt-project.org]."
(17:30:42) kkoehne: janiheikkinen1: Since the link in there talks about requirements for building Qt.
(17:31:09) fkleint: [this is intentional ;-) Your mileage may vary..]
(17:31:27) kkoehne: fkleint: ?
(17:31:34) fkleint: just kidding
(17:31:58) janiheikkinen1: fkleint: Android issue is fixed from end user point of view so you are right, it should be there.
(17:32:10) fkleint: should not?
(17:32:11) janiheikkinen1: olli_: AP taken
(17:32:18) fkleint: in the notes, that is.
(17:32:34) janiheikkinen1: fkleint: right, should not
(17:33:22) thiago: next topic?
(17:34:42) janiheikkinen1: kkoehne: that same link has been there with previous releases as well. I think it is OK to keep it there now as well...'
(17:34:52) kkoehne: janiheikkinen1: Okay
(17:35:20) janiheikkinen1: Next 5.1 Beta release tomorrow
(17:35:30) janiheikkinen1: As said earlier, Android win installer dropped from beta release because of build issues
(17:35:49) janiheikkinen1: and there is some new example errors but in my opinion not blocking beta release but must be fixed before RC1
(17:36:03) janiheikkinen1: Last open cases moved from beta meta task to RC1 meta task(https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-31105) because any of those are really blocking beta
(17:36:13) janiheikkinen1: aren't
(17:36:29) janiheikkinen1: Does anyone know any blocking issue?
(17:37:05) thiago: not for the beta
(17:37:37) fkleint: no, me neither
(17:37:47) ramotyka_: Not me.
(17:38:08) janiheikkinen1: So we will make beta release tomorrow, great!
(17:38:37) janiheikkinen1: then our last item in the agenda: Getting more feedback from community
(17:38:50) janiheikkinen1: Last week Rafal asked community to test newest installers, which are really close to beta
(17:38:54) fkleint: Basically, this is the same state as in OS package #28, right? qt5.git has not updated?
(17:38:58) janiheikkinen1: We didn't get any report outside Digia'
(17:39:20) thiago: understandable
(17:39:25) fkleint: [that is, no potential for regressions sneaking in unnoticed]
(17:40:37) janiheikkinen1: fkleint: Yes, same content
(17:40:52) fkleint: We really need to simplify and standardize our packaging testing procedures...starting with a standard download location for packages, maybe weed out the testing matrix a bit
(17:41:06) fkleint: compilation fex should be a CI thing
(17:42:00) fkleint: and the testing form still can be used only with firefox in English locale otherwise the date thing will reject the contents
(17:42:10) kkoehne: fkleint, janiheikkinen1: I agree that http://testresults.qt-project.org/forms/release-testing/ needs a facelift.
(17:42:39) janiheikkinen1: ramotyka, can you take action point of that?
(17:43:12) ramotyka_: OK.
(17:43:43) janiheikkinen1: Any other idea to get community helping us and make reporting easier?
(17:43:47) olli_: The date issue should have been fixed...obviously it is not...Jani/Rafal: Discuss with Tony about that...He made the fix earlier.
(17:43:58) fkleint: Oh, is it?
(17:44:26) fkleint: my last status (from Hanne) was no one has access to the source code
(17:44:56) janiheikkinen1: fkleint: I haven't heard that?
(17:45:25) fkleint: it not working? Ok, never mind, will try next time with chrome
(17:45:27) hanne: janiheikkinen1, fkleint : the date issues is fixed, but don't think people have been informed about it
(17:45:32) fkleint: Ahh
(17:45:34) fkleint: nice
(17:45:38) hanne: fkleint: sorry
(17:45:41) fkleint: np
(17:45:50) kkoehne: janiheikkinen1, fkleint: Maybe we should just use one free online survey thing? Don't know whether any tools support sending mails, but at least one could e.g. easily taylor the questions then.
(17:47:04) thiago: I don't see the problem with the form
(17:47:09) kkoehne: janiheikkinen1, fkleint: Right now the questions are a crude mix of very detailed (how should I test whether the installation fails if the device as unsufficient space?) to too high level (check out examples and see if they run ).
(17:47:10) thiago: let's not make it a blocker for the release
(17:47:18) thiago: if it can be face-lifted, great
(17:47:32) ramotyka_: I agree.
(17:47:49) kkoehne: thiago: Sure, this isn't about blocking any release, but about how to improve things so that more poeple join the testing effort.
(17:48:01) olli_: OK...it is fixed, but not communicated.
(17:48:47) ramotyka_: I don't think that the shape of the form is the problem because it is not 'attractive' or good enough.
(17:49:30) thiago: I need to go now
(17:49:34) thiago: what's left on the agenda?
(17:49:47) janiheikkinen1: Nothing actually, just next meeting
(17:49:58) fkleint: Basically, testing everything takes way too long, and part of it is done by the CI (compilation/binary compat).. the art is basically to make selective sanity tests
(17:50:39) kkoehne: fkleint: ... which requires some experience on what to concentrate on.
(17:50:46) fkleint: yep, hm
(17:51:02) thiago: if we release the beta tomorrow, we don't need a meeting next week
(17:51:03) janiheikkinen1: fkleint: true, and in the future release test automation will do even more
(17:51:05) sahumada: janiheikkinen1: some lgpl packages already out http://master.qt-project.org/snapshots/qt/5.1/5.1.0-beta1/backups/2013-05-13-31/
(17:51:27) fkleint: somehow is not inclined to believe in test automation any more ';-)
(17:52:26) fkleint: ususally, it just means QA people go on a mission to write the "Great Automated Test Framework" and were never seen again...
(17:53:12) janiheikkinen1: let's hope we succeed now...
(17:53:27) fkleint: yup
(17:53:45) thiago: gotta go
(17:53:47) thiago: see ya later
(17:53:50) janiheikkinen1: Maybe rafal could check if that form can be made a bit friendlier
(17:54:02) janiheikkinen1: thiago: see you!
(17:54:29) janiheikkinen1: Anything else?
(17:54:48) sahumada: at what time do we release tomorrow ?
(17:55:11) olli_: The testing process, the form, communication etc. needs some facelift...if the process is too complicated, we are not getting community involved as we would like to...Rafal might propose improvements. Let's check those in Digia releasing team and then make a proposal to mailing list. OK?
(17:55:56) ramotyka_: Yes. I'll send the email. Please answer it with your suggestions.
(17:56:08) olli_: thanks
(17:56:44) janiheikkinen1: sahumada: not decided yet. We need to check that tomorrow. But it will be done when everything is ready ;)
(17:57:12) janiheikkinen1: If nothing else then the last item: Next meeting?
(17:57:59) thiago poistui huoneesta (quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
(17:58:09) sahumada: 21st ? to check if there is feedback for beta1 and plan beta2 or rc1
(17:58:34) janiheikkinen1: OK for me. Same time?
(17:58:45) fkleint: ok
(17:58:50) sahumada: ok for me
(17:59:25) janiheikkinen1: OK, next meeting next Tuesday. Thanks for everybody
(17:59:29) sahumada: byt
(17:59:32) sahumada: byte
(17:59:48) janiheikkinen1: bye
(18:00:00) ramotyka_: bye
(18:00:04) fkleint: bye
(18:00:07) olli_: bye

Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager

Digia Plc
Elektroniikkatie 10, FI 90590 Oulu Finland
Email: jani.heikkinen at digia.com<mailto:jani.heikkinen at digia.com>
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