[Releasing] Qt-builds 5.1.0 beta

Алексей Павлов alexpux at gmail.com
Thu May 16 08:40:22 CEST 2013

I just build Qt-5.1.0 beta from git repository with MinGW-w64 toolchain
GCC-4.8.0 DWARF rev2.
Also my builds contain QtCreator-2.7.1 and QBS from git.
To relocate QTDIR folder you can simply run "qtbinpatcher --nobackups" from
QTDIR after uncompress or moving it to another location.

In archive you can also see ported32 directory that contain 3rdparty soft
that need to build Qt. It builded with the same toolchain.

During build I has issues:
 - https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-31141
 - https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-31143

That I resolve by patch attached to QTBUG-31141.
Jonathan Liu try add this patch to Webkit repository today.

32-bit: x32-Qt-5.1.0-git+qtcreator-2.7.1-(gcc-4.8.0-dwarf-rev2).7z<http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingwbuilds/files/external-binary-packages/Qt-Builds/x32-Qt-5.1.0-git%2Bqtcreator-2.7.1-%28gcc-4.8.0-dwarf-rev2%29.7z/download>

Tomorrow I upload 64-bit build.

Regards, Alexey!
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