[Releasing] Meeting minutes: Qt 5.1 release team meeting 21.05.2013

Salovaara Akseli Akseli.Salovaara at digia.com
Wed May 22 18:49:12 CEST 2013


Meeting minutes from Qt 5.1 release team meeting 21.05.2013:

-          Action points from previous meeting:

o    Jani: Check why there is difference in amount of corrected errors in Jira & error corrections in git log

§  Done. Nothing surprising here. In the Jira there is lots of issues where is some kind of fix available but not any comment if fix is OK or not. Latest changes seems to be pretty OK, most of open issues with fixes seems to be really open. Both partial fixes and bugreports clean up required

o    Rafal: Propose improvements to testing process, forms ect to make testing easier and getting more persons involved

§  An email with a few suggestions and invitation to discussion on testing sent 5 days ago (http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/releasing/2013-May/001273.html). Comments are welcome from the Qt Community.

-          No new installer packages have been available after 5.1 Beta1 (IFW update & other improvements)

-          Count of open 5.1.0 issues: 223 (40 more than week ago)

o    One P0, fix ongoing

-          CI problems has been preventing changes go in (well over 200 open commits for stable branches)

-          Merge (fast-forward) from stable to release will be done when CI is working again and important fixes pending are integrated to the stable

o    Merge will start earliest on next week

-          String freeze topic will be continued offline and communicated via mailing list

-          Next meeting Monday 27.5.2013 16:00-17:00 CET

IRC log below


(17:00:14) akseli: iieklund: kkoehne: ramotyka_: sahumada: thiago: fkleint: ZapB: tronical: janiheikkinen: ping
(17:00:25) fkleint: akseli: pong
(17:00:35) janiheikkinen: akseli: pong
(17:00:46) ramotyka_: akseli: pong
(17:00:55) sahumada: akseli: pong
(17:01:27) thiago: akseli: pong
(17:02:03) ZapB-mbp: akseli: pong
(17:02:16) akseli: Time to start Qt 5.1 release meeting
(17:02:24) akseli: On agenda today:
(17:02:29) akseli: - Action points from previous meeting
(17:02:29) akseli: - 5.1 Installer status
(17:02:34) akseli: - 5.1 Error Metrics
(17:02:35) akseli: - 5.1 Beta feedback & merge from stable to release
(17:02:39) akseli: - 5.1 String freeze
(17:02:40) akseli: - Next meeting
(17:02:46) akseli: Any additional items in mind?
(17:03:11) akseli: Feel free to raise topics during meeting as well
(17:03:42) akseli: - Action points from previous meeting:
(17:03:46) akseli: Jani: Check why there is difference in amount of corrected errors in Jira & error corrections in git log
(17:03:59) janiheikkinen: Done.
(17:04:02) janiheikkinen: Nothing surprising here. In the Jira there is lots of issues where is some kind of fix available but not any comment if fix is OK or not. Latest changes seems to be pretty OK, most of open issues with fixes seems to be really open.
(17:04:40) akseli: so both partial fixes and bugreports clean up required?
(17:04:51) janiheikkinen: Yes
(17:05:16) akseli: ramotyka_: Propose improvements to testing process, forms ect to make testing easier and getting more persons involved
(17:05:25) ramotyka_: An email with a few suggestions and invitation to discussion on testing sent 5 days ago. We're waiting for response from the Qt Community.
(17:05:32) ramotyka_: Here are suggestions from Digia people (not yet discussed):
(17:06:19) ramotyka_: I've sent it already in the email.
(17:06:20) ramotyka_: Maybe there is no point to rewrite them now.
(17:06:40) ramotyka_: No response from the Community. Any ideas why there is no interest expressed?
(17:06:56) thiago: in testing?
(17:07:07) thiago: or in replying to the form?
(17:07:30) ramotyka_: in testing, in general (incl. form, answering emails, etc.)
(17:08:07) thiago: on the form, I can't speculate. The form is good for me, so I didn't need to reply.
(17:08:17) thiago: in testing, I simply don't have the time for another two weeks
(17:08:37) thiago: if my case is similar to others, it's a matter of timing
(17:08:50) thiago: we have received bug reports after the beta release, so people are downloading
(17:08:59) thiago: apparently not before the release though
(17:09:05) ramotyka_: OK. The email was sent to the release mailing list. There should be more people reading it.
(17:09:20) ramotyka_: Let's wait a bit more then.
(17:09:59) akseli: ok, thanks. - next item: 5.1 Installer status
(17:10:10) akseli: No new installer packages have been available after 5.1 Beta1 (ifw update & other improvements)
(17:10:18) akseli: Installer builds will be restored again soon
(17:10:54) akseli: next item - 5.1 Error Metrics: janiheikkinen^
(17:10:55) kkoehne: akseli: Were there any specific reasons, or just the usual instability problems?
(17:11:35) akseli: kkoehne: pretty much murphys law strikes back type of scenario
(17:11:41) kkoehne: akseli: Okay :)
(17:11:45) thiago: if you want more suggestions on how to reach the community, I suggest blogging
(17:11:58) thiago: I'll share with our twitter and google+ accounts
(17:12:28) ***kkoehne thinks poeple will test like hell if we promise free T-shirts.
(17:12:33) kkoehne: :)
(17:13:08) akseli: thiago: thanks, we will keep that in mind
(17:13:16) janiheikkinen: :) Then quick overview to error statistic:
(17:13:28) janiheikkinen: Open 5.1.0 issues: 223(40 more than week ago)
(17:13:43) janiheikkinen: One P0
(17:13:54) janiheikkinen: Unfortunately I cannot remember the ID :(
(17:14:08) akseli: QTBUG-31240 "Android:Cannot run uic in linux 64, mac, windows packages"
(17:14:29) janiheikkinen: Thanks Akseli!
(17:14:33) janiheikkinen: P1: 20 (1 less than week ago)
(17:14:43) janiheikkinen: Not evaluated: 58(13 more than week ago)
(17:14:45) fkleint: * Jira maintenance kicked in *
(17:14:52) fkleint: talk about Murphy's law...
(17:15:15) thiago: I saw eskil talking to ossi about the uic issue
(17:16:21) akseli: i think there was comment indicating progress and that remaining problems would not be P0 anymore .. but cant be certain
(17:17:19) janiheikkinen: I cannot remember that but it might be true
(17:18:16) akseli: janiheikkinen: besides that P0 can you recall anything which would be really concerning on those bug reports?
(17:19:03) janiheikkinen: No, nothing really serious. Some regression issues etc
(17:19:25) janiheikkinen: All important issues listed in that RC1 metabug
(17:21:58) akseli: ok, unfortunately bugreports on maintenace so .. moving to next item
(17:21:58) akseli: - 5.1 Beta feedback & merge from stable to release
(17:21:58) akseli: Is anyone aware of such feedback or issues which would prevent us to go forward and start to create 5.1 RC? Can we start merging stable->release?
(17:22:07) fkleint: I'd say don';t do anything until the CI is in a working state,
(17:22:23) fkleint: and we are sure that no critical fixes are stuck in the queue
(17:22:40) thiago: we can start updating the releases branch
(17:22:49) thiago: the question is when we stop merging stable into it
(17:22:53) thiago: i.e., when the diverge
(17:23:17) fkleint: We can tell after tomorrow's Bugzy Wednesday at the earliest
(17:23:34) fkleint: And we then need a status from Oslo whether any critical fixes are in the queue
(17:24:29) kkoehne: Right now qtbase/stable hasn't seen an update since 6 days, qt5.git since 11 days.
(17:24:41) fkleint: so, it is still at beta1 ;-(
(17:26:47) kkoehne: Yeah. Well, the technical merge habens on repo level, so qt5.git isn't a blocker per se. But other modules are not up to date, either.
(17:26:53) kkoehne: Question is if we can afford to wait for a situation were all modules are moderately up to date ...
(17:27:33) kkoehne: sahumada: ^^ You've an overview?
(17:28:21) sahumada: I think that we can start merging those modules with low changes .. and leave qtdeclarative and qtbase at the end
(17:28:44) kkoehne: sahumada: Might be a confusing message though ...
(17:29:26) kkoehne: sahumada: For creator we actually were blocking master branch a few days after branching off, to catch people still trying to merge to the wrong branch. Is something like this possible with qt/CI, too?
(17:29:49) sahumada: kkoehne: it is .. but it might be blocked for days if the CI doesnt behave
(17:30:19) kkoehne: sahumada: ?
(17:30:43) sahumada: kkoehne: if you block staging to stable while the merge from stable->release succeeds
(17:31:06) sahumada: if it takes days to get the merge in .. then staging to stable will be block that time
(17:31:37) thiago: there's no merging
(17:31:45) thiago: stable->releases is a fast-forward
(17:31:55) thiago: there's no need for CI'ing because we know it passes
(17:33:26) kkoehne: thiago, sahumada: Good point. So we can just push directly, circumventing the CI?
(17:33:38) thiago: we can
(17:33:46) thiago: and we can start package testing
(17:33:52) thiago: the big question is: when do we actually diverge
(17:34:30) sahumada: that might be true .. if the "release" branch and "stable" branches are testing the same configurations and are marked as enforcing .. I am not 100% sure about this .. something that is passing in the stable branch CI might not pass the release branch CI
(17:34:49) fkleint: After all fixes for QTBUG-31105 are in and a survey in Oslo yields that no critical fixes that came up are left in the queue
(17:34:57) fkleint: at the earliest
(17:35:29) thiago: when do you estimate? next week?
(17:36:02) fkleint: Hm, again first thing, CI needs to be restored..currently failing due to some Android stuff
(17:37:36) ***kkoehne notices that we've well over 200 open commits for stable branches.
(17:37:44) fkleint: Ugad
(17:38:54) kkoehne: about 100 got a +2 :)
(17:43:06) kkoehne: janiheikkinen: Okay, so I think the bottom line is that we can merge earliest next week. It might be good to check with the module maintainers when/if they consider their module ready for switching.
(17:43:30) fkleint: .. always provided the CI can be restored in the next days
(17:45:05) akseli: ok, sounds resonable taking "backlog" into consideration
(17:45:10) fkleint: ZapB-mpb: Talking about modules, the examples metabug has some examples that fail due to Qt3D not being present..when is the module planned for inclusion? 5.2, I guess
(17:45:17) akseli: btw. bugreports is up and running again
(17:45:22) fkleint: yippie
(17:45:42) ZapB-mbp: fkleint: yes 5.2. James and I will be discussing Qt3D this week at our company meeting
(17:45:47) akseli: ZapB-mpb: 5.2 i thing
(17:46:35) janiheikkinen: kkoehne: Yes, that might be good idea. I already contacted all persons who has open issue under QTBUG-31105
(17:46:39) fkleint: Hm.ok..I guess we then just leave those examples..I guess no point in removing and re-adding them.
(17:47:37) janiheikkinen: And asked if they know any additional items which needs to be fixed before RC1. According to their message all should be there
(17:48:31) akseli: maybe next item then? - 5.1 String freeze
(17:49:05) akseli: string freeze has not been proposed or announced yet. should be done for 5.1 but
(17:49:07) sahumada: I'd like to point out that even if we go for fast-forward merging .. qt5.git should go through the CI
(17:50:59) kkoehne: akseli: Seems like the switch to release branch is a good time for string freeze?
(17:51:52) akseli: was going to ask your opinion when to proceed with that
(17:51:58) akseli: in current situation
(17:52:05) janiheikkinen: Does anyone know any issues why we cannot do the freeze already now?
(17:52:44) thiago: string freeze?
(17:52:47) kkoehne: janiheikkinen: Just that there _might_ be commits with string changes scheduled right now that haven't integrated yet.
(17:53:16) janiheikkinen: kkoehne: good point
(17:53:25) fkleint: How did we do that last time..were the translations pushed to the release branch..can';t remember
(17:54:08) akseli: fkleint: did we had already release branch on 5.0.0?
(17:54:31) fkleint: Sure, that was the same procedure, wasn't it?
(17:54:46) akseli: cant remember
(17:55:44) kkoehne: fkleint: last update to e.g. the german translations were against stable
(17:55:49) fkleint: Yes,
(17:56:03) fkleint: but that would mean we would have to delay merging until the last contributed translation is in
(17:56:58) thiago: I'd say merging translations to releases should be fine...
(17:56:58) fkleint: yes
(17:56:58) kkoehne: Yes.
(17:57:01) fkleint: So, string freeze should be soonish, I'd say
(17:57:06) thiago: agreed
(17:57:23) kkoehne: So how about we declare string freeze for a module as soon as it's merged from stable->release?
(17:57:58) thiago: sounds good, but post an email
(17:58:02) fkleint: Ossi for sure has some opinion on it ;-)
(17:58:11) kkoehne: ossi|tt: ^^ :)
(17:58:17) fkleint: he is at Linuxtag
(17:58:23) fkleint: back tomorrow morning
(17:58:51) kkoehne: ah, right.
(17:59:29) kkoehne: I'll nag him tomorrow.
(17:59:36) fkleint: ok
(17:59:37) akseli: so should string freeze topic will be continued offline and communicated via mailing list?
(17:59:41) kkoehne: yes
(18:00:03) akseli: ok
(18:00:35) akseli: next meeting: Monday 16:00-17:00 CET?
(18:00:47) thiago: let me check my schedule
(18:01:48) thiago: I can't join at that time. I'll be already on my way to Tokyo
(18:01:50) thiago: so feel free to schedule it at a more European-friendly time
(18:02:23) kkoehne: fine with me.
(18:02:35) fkleint: ok
(18:03:09) ZapB-mbp: fine by me too
(18:04:13) akseli: so 16:00-17:00 CET next Monday then
(18:04:33) akseli: if i got your intentions right? :)
(18:05:04) kkoehne: akseli: +1 :)
(18:05:29) akseli: ok, thank you all for the meeting
(18:06:07) janiheikkinen: thanks, bye!
(18:06:50) kkoehne: bye!
(18:06:50) ZapB-mbp: bye
(18:06:50) sahumada: bye
(18:06:50) thiago: cya
(18:07:28) ramotyka_: bye
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