[Releasing] Meeting minutes: Qt release team meeting 25.08.2014

Heikkinen Jani Jani.Heikkinen at digia.com
Tue Aug 26 08:02:39 CEST 2014

Meeting minutes from Qt Release Team meeting 25.08.2014:

-        Target is to get Qt 5.4 Alpha out as soon as possible, hoping already during this week

o   QtWebEngine needs to be in (https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/90935/)

o   We need to get qt5.git integrated (https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/92171/)

-        Plan is to branch Qt5.3.2 this Friday (29th Aug), produce packages for testing as soon as possible from new branch

o   Target is to release Qt5.3.2 as soon as possible if nothing serious found from packages during testing

-        There seems to be need to update linux configs in the release machines for wayland and for BTLE

o   Discussion started in ML: http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2014-August/018165.html

o   Configurations etc will be agreed in coming release team IRC meetings

-        Next meeting Mon 1st Sep 16:00 CET

IRC log below (Note: There were network problems & so on some comments might be missing):

(5:01:06 PM) jaheikki3_: akseli: iieklund: kkoehne: sahumada: thiago: fkleint: ZapB: tronical: wolfgang-b: vladimirM: aholza: peter-h: mapaaso: ankokko: fkleint: carewolf: fregl: ablasche_: ping
(5:01:13 PM) ankokko__: jaheikki3_: pong
(5:01:45 PM) thiago: jaheikki3_: pong
(5:01:48 PM) carewolf: jaheikki3_: pong
(5:01:49 PM) akseli: jaheikki3_: pong
(5:01:50 PM) vladimirM left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:01:51 PM) vladimirM_ is now known as vladimirM
(5:02:40 PM) kkoehne: jaheikki3_: pong
(5:02:51 PM) jaheikki3_: Time to start Qt release team meeting
(5:02:56 PM) jaheikki3_: On agenda today:
(5:03:04 PM) jaheikki3_: 5.3.2 branching & release schedule
(5:03:11 PM) jaheikki3_: 5.4.0 Alpha release
(5:03:20 PM) jaheikki3_: Qt 5.4.0 tools & versions
(5:03:33 PM) jaheikki3_: Anything else to the agenda?
(5:05:14 PM) thiago: shouldn't we start with the alpha?
(5:05:40 PM) thiago: it's closer than 5.3.2 and we need to close it before working on 5.3
(5:05:53 PM) jaheikki3_: thiago: true, we can start with alpha
(5:06:20 PM) jaheikki3_: let's starts from Qt5.4.0 alpha
(5:06:40 PM) ablasche: jaheikki3_: pong
(5:06:55 PM) jaheikki3_: at the moment there is couple of issues to be done before we can release alpha:
(5:07:26 PM) jaheikki3_: get QtWebEngine in, see https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/90935/
(5:08:03 PM) jaheikki3_: & qet qt5.git integrated (https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/92171/)
(5:08:13 PM) zeno [~quassel at] entered the room.
(5:08:33 PM) jaheikki3_: After those we should be pretty much ready for the Alpha
(5:08:53 PM) anshaw left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(5:09:35 PM) jaheikki3_: Or does someone know something else which must be done before alpha?
(5:10:24 PM) thiago: I don't see a ready reason why the qt5.git integration failed
(5:11:34 PM) jaheikki3_: thiago: true, it was bit weird that mac 10.9 failed because of reason: This change has been abandoned because it was already integrated in other branch which was merged into branch '5.4'.
(5:11:52 PM) thiago: ah, it's the -skip qtwebengine
(5:13:42 PM) jaheikki3_: thiago: how that can be fixed?
(5:13:52 PM) thiago: first integrate qtwebengine
(5:14:03 PM) thiago: the configure command-line has been updated to work with it, but it isn't there
(5:14:04 PM) jaheikki3_: :)
(5:14:20 PM) jaheikki3_: Ahh, ok.
(5:14:46 PM) thiago: the change trying to integrate qtwebengine has been open for some time
(5:14:51 PM) fregl: webengine depends on newer qt5.git being there which depends on the submodule update bot and it just never seems to pass because init-repository is more fragile than we tought I guess
(5:15:21 PM) fregl: jocelyn spent quite some time fighting with that stuff and I try to help
(5:15:43 PM) fregl: but maybe we need someone to focus on this since it's becomming more and more pressing
(5:16:12 PM) thiago: there's a chicken-and-the-egg problem then
(5:16:33 PM) thiago: so someone in the QA team please edit the configure line for qt5.git and remove the "-skip qtwebengine" option
(5:16:46 PM) thiago: then integrate qt5.git
(5:17:10 PM) fregl: why would it skip webkit in the first place?
(5:17:41 PM) thiago: I guess someone was trying to be helpful and make qtwebengine build pass
(5:17:53 PM) thiago: but if qtwebengine is not present, configure complains
(5:17:59 PM) thiago: echo "Attempting to skip non-existent module $VAL." >&2
(5:17:59 PM) thiago: exit 1
(5:18:43 PM) jaheikki3_: Yeah, webengine isn't supporting each configurations....
(5:19:05 PM) jaheikki3_: But let's try to solve these as soon as possible & put Alpha out during this week
(5:19:30 PM) fregl: ah, it's actually in configure - how is that called? is that jenkins?
(5:20:19 PM) jaheikki3_: fregl: I am not sure, need to discuss with Tony / Simo tomorrow when they are available
(5:20:53 PM) jaheikki3_: Then 5.3.2 branching & release schedule
(5:21:33 PM) jaheikki3_: Most of know blockers fixed, see https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-40712
(5:21:52 PM) jaheikki3_: Only one open, fix for it under integration
(5:22:43 PM) jaheikki3_: I hope we could branch 5.3.2 from 5.3 during this week & produce unofficial RC packages immediately from 5.3.2 branch for community testing.
(5:23:13 PM) jaheikki3_: fregl: Can you help us with branching (when it will be done)?
(5:23:35 PM) jaheikki3_: ossi has done it earlier but he is on his vacation at the moment...
(5:24:00 PM) fregl: jaheikki3_: sure, I can do it, but give me a day ahead to prepare and read Ossi's script
(5:24:15 PM) fregl: jaheikki3_: basically any day, when do you want it?
(5:24:27 PM) thiago: note that 5.3 is moving slowly, so it's possible to create packages directly out of 5.3 branch
(5:24:58 PM) fregl: thiago: I don't think that's such a good idea with our current jenkins setup and fragility, I'm not sure though
(5:25:18 PM) fregl: maybe it just works, that would be great and save a lot of trouble
(5:25:43 PM) fregl: but usually we need one last minute fix... and might get random disturbances
(5:26:11 PM) thiago: right
(5:26:54 PM) drgvond_ [~drgvond at] entered the room.
(5:28:46 PM) fregl: something for the new future (beta) that should be done soon: bluetooth le and wayland need newer linux configs. are you aware of that? how will we release on linux is basically the question
(5:29:17 PM) fregl: ablasche: might have some information ^
(5:29:32 PM) ramotyka_ [ramotyka at nat/digia/x-ddhakfunalorpzuo] entered the room.
(5:29:45 PM) fregl: jaheikki3_: for the 5.3.2 branching, any preference when? some time this week? say Thursday?
(5:29:49 PM) thiago: we need to talk about that
(5:29:51 PM) thiago: I don't know the details
(5:29:57 PM) fregl: me neither
(5:30:16 PM) fregl: qtwayland needs a new enough wayland which we only have on the opensuse machines
(5:30:23 PM) fregl: but we build packages on some old ubuntu
(5:30:34 PM) fregl: I know even less about bluetooth
(5:30:34 PM) ablasche_ [quassel at nat/digia/x-geyfhlprghmjfdca] entered the room.
(5:32:19 PM) ablasche_: bleutooth requires at least bluez 4.101 on the build platform
(5:32:24 PM) jpnurmi left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:26 PM) drgvond left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:26 PM) drgvond_ is now known as drgvond
(5:32:27 PM) ramotyka left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:28 PM) mapaaso left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:28 PM) mibrunin left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:28 PM) ankokko left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:28 PM) peppe left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:28 PM) olhirvon left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:28 PM) ablasche left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:28 PM) iieklund left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:28 PM) tijensse left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:29 PM) jaheikki3_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:29 PM) kaviiron___ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:29 PM) tosaraja_ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:32:29 PM) jaheikki3 [quassel at nat/digia/session] entered the room.
(5:32:29 PM) jpnurmi [jpnurmi at hilla.kapsi.fi] entered the room.
(5:32:30 PM) ablasche_: bluetooth LE I mean
(5:32:30 PM) jpnurmi left the room (quit: Changing host).
(5:32:30 PM) jpnurmi [jpnurmi at qt/jpnurmi] entered the room.
(5:32:34 PM) jaheikki3 left the room (quit: Changing host).
(5:32:35 PM) jaheikki3 [quassel at nat/digia/x-bxvbhghvhriwwmvt] entered the room.
(5:32:49 PM) mibrunin [quassel at nat/digia/x-pqikikjdbedigwzz] entered the room.
(5:32:57 PM) kkoehne: network problems?
(5:33:01 PM) ankokko [quassel at nat/digia/x-flmtcjnotnfffjwy] entered the room.
(5:33:02 PM) ablasche_: indeed
(5:33:08 PM) ablasche_ is now known as ablasche
(5:33:10 PM) jaheikki3: It seems
(5:33:21 PM) mapaaso [quassel at nat/digia/x-vgnmajxuphgowvbm] entered the room.
(5:33:36 PM) jaheikki3: we were discussing about 5.3.2 schedule
(5:33:42 PM) iieklund [quassel at nat/digia/x-bhycbojtvhcoazbf] entered the room.
(5:34:20 PM) jaheikki3: I have maybe missed something & some of my comments aren't visible for you :(
(5:34:26 PM) tosaraja [quassel at nat/digia/x-oimhslyvcedgpmdi] entered the room.
(5:34:35 PM) ablasche: I have lot 5 mins too
(5:34:36 PM) peppe [peppe at unaffiliated/peppe] entered the room.
(5:34:37 PM) ablasche: lost
(5:34:52 PM) olhirvon [quassel at nat/digia/x-oqfeiokplovfnlln] entered the room.
(5:34:53 PM) kaviiron_ [quassel at nat/digia/x-jbnffnmylafuacym] entered the room.
(5:35:07 PM) thiago: the question was whether we should update the configs in the release machines for wayland and for LE
(5:35:18 PM) thiago: let me suggest we don't do it for 5.3 or for 5.4 alpha
(5:35:44 PM) thiago: ablasche: can we have you come up with the "correct" bluez version that our CI should have for 5.4 beta?
(5:35:51 PM) ablasche: For Bluetooth LE we have to. Any bluez below 4.101 won't cut it and 11.10 and 12.04 are ancient in this regard
(5:36:13 PM) thiago: agreed, I'm just saying that 5.3.2 is not the time to change this
(5:36:22 PM) jaheikki3: yeah, I agree
(5:36:34 PM) tijensse [quassel at nat/digia/x-gbydznkxpracgnqd] entered the room.
(5:36:40 PM) ablasche: thiago: thought we were talking about 5.4 already. my 5 min loss was more severe I guess
(5:37:03 PM) ablasche: for record: not an issue for 5.3.2
(5:37:09 PM) jaheikki3: thiago: ablasche: I was still finalizing 5.3.2 ;)
(5:37:50 PM) jaheikki3: I wrote a couple of comments which seems to be 'gone':
(5:37:59 PM) jaheikki3: I propose: Let's create 5.3.2 branch this friday & RC packages for testing latest next monday
(5:38:06 PM) jaheikki3: How many days we need to reserve for testing? If we put packages testing monday is it OK to release thursday if nothing serious found?
(5:38:19 PM) thiago: jaheikki3: I think Mon-Thu is fine
(5:38:40 PM) thiago: in the old days of the Black Team, we never managed less than two weeks, but we didn't have the CI then
(5:39:00 PM) hanne left the room (quit: Quit: hanne).
(5:39:24 PM) jaheikki3: yeah, and now there has been snapshots for testing pretty regularly...
(5:39:57 PM) fregl: jaheikki3_: for the 5.3.2 branching, any preference when? some time this week? say Thursday?
(5:40:21 PM) fregl: jaheikki3: ah, sorry, you replied, let's aim for Friday then
(5:40:27 PM) jaheikki3: ;)
(5:40:56 PM) jaheikki3: I will inform that to development list as well.
(5:41:17 PM) jaheikki3: OK, let's then continue with 5.4 tools & versions
(5:41:37 PM) jaheikki3: ablasche
(5:42:44 PM) jaheikki3: you wrote: Any bluez below 4.101 won't cut it and 11.10 and 12.04 are ancient in this regard
(5:42:59 PM) ablasche: correct
(5:44:00 PM) ablasche: 12.04 has 4.98 (not ok), Ubuntu 14.04 has 4.101 (ok), Fedora 19 has 5.x (ok)
(5:44:09 PM) ablasche: don't even talk about 11.x
(5:45:05 PM) fregl: ablasche: do you know anything about wayland? I guess you talked to w00t?
(5:45:42 PM) fregl: and does that mean we need new linux to release these parts, but then things won't work on older linux's?
(5:45:49 PM) ablasche: I have a long chat log but beyond the fact that he wants binary packages he didn't say anything
(5:46:09 PM) fregl: ah, w00t ping :)
(5:46:19 PM) thiago: I'd recommend upgrading bluez and wayland in those old machines
(5:46:31 PM) thiago: upgrading bluez might be easy
(5:46:41 PM) thiago: wayland, not so much, since it might trigger Mesa upgrades
(5:47:04 PM) thiago: and we'll also run into udev problems
(5:47:32 PM) ablasche: thiago: u want to retrofit bluez to 11.x machines? I would even scratch my head on 12.04
(5:48:15 PM) ablasche: the CI runs the unit tests and that means you have certain kernel reqs
(5:48:20 PM) ablasche: from bluez
(5:49:03 PM) mapaaso_ [quassel at nat/digia/x-yucqegnbyekntskn] entered the room.
(5:49:17 PM) jpnurmi_ [jpnurmi at hilla.kapsi.fi] entered the room.
(5:49:20 PM) ablasche: you might get away with 12.04 if you get the latest kernel versions for it (the standard 3.2 certainly won't be much useful)
(5:49:56 PM) ablasche: however right now we use 11.x, even 12.04 is an upgrade already
(5:50:39 PM) thiago: hmm... testing
(5:50:41 PM) tijensse left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:50:42 PM) tosaraja left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:50:42 PM) mapaaso left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:50:42 PM) peppe left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:50:42 PM) jpnurmi left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:50:42 PM) jaheikki3 left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
(5:50:45 PM) thiago: ok, for testing we should use a recent machine
(5:50:48 PM) jaheikki3 [quassel at nat/digia/x-dyeacojinliaivfy] entered the room.
(5:51:06 PM) thiago: I was thinking of producing binaries only
(5:51:14 PM) fregl: I'd generally feel more comfy if we had test+release building machines be the same
(5:51:26 PM) ablasche: fregl: I testedrunning a newer build on older platform and it seemed to work. However I did the build on the older linux faking the symbols into the build.
(5:51:48 PM) fregl: also for the sake of the long term goal of dayly packages straigh from CI
(5:52:38 PM) peppe2 [peppe at unaffiliated/peppe] entered the room.
(5:52:42 PM) tosaraja [quassel at nat/digia/x-afwijtmnxxxkkyoc] entered the room.
(5:53:06 PM) thiago: it will be hard to have the same
(5:53:19 PM) jaheikki3: thiago: fregl:ablasche: yes, target is to start using binaries from CI in daily snapshots in the near future and so on using same versions everywhere is important
(5:53:21 PM) thiago: building on newer machines means we'll have newer libc and newer libstdc++
(5:53:37 PM) thiago: we can try, but I don't think it'll work
(5:54:04 PM) ablasche: thiago: what's the problem? that we leave other ancient distro releases out?
(5:54:12 PM) thiago: yes
(5:54:28 PM) fregl: sounds like we need two linux releases at some point :(
(5:54:36 PM) ablasche: that's a problem why? they can still build it for their platform
(5:54:50 PM) ablasche: we are talking about 2 years and older
(5:54:54 PM) jaheikki3: fregl: I hope we can avoid that...
(5:54:56 PM) thiago: depends on how often our packages get installed on those older distros
(5:54:58 PM) tijensse [quassel at nat/digia/x-bwmmywjoxelwtabg] entered the room.
(5:55:03 PM) fregl: jaheikki3: me too
(5:55:31 PM) jaheikki3: thiago: How we can know that?
(5:55:42 PM) thiago: jaheikki3: unfortunately, we can't until 5.4
(5:56:03 PM) thiago: the first notice we'll have are people posting to the forums and reporting issues
(5:56:08 PM) ablasche: jaheikki3: talk to the installer guys? Otherwise probably not at all as the installer is not mainstream use at this point in time
(5:56:28 PM) thiago: ablasche: how old is bluez 4.101?
(5:56:40 PM) ***ablasche checking...
(5:57:52 PM) thiago: I recommend we detach bluez and wayland upgrades. Wayland requires way-too-new components of everything.
(5:58:50 PM) ablasche: thiago: release tag was created on 22/6/12
(5:59:00 PM) thiago: over two years old
(5:59:37 PM) thiago: and do we need new bluez headers to compile? Or does the code gracefully fallback?
(6:00:15 PM) ablasche: compile tests detect the platform header and dis/enable accordingly
(6:00:30 PM) ablasche: so yes you need the new headers at compile time
(6:00:51 PM) ablasche: later on not required anymore (no link dependency either)
(6:00:52 PM) thiago: and if they're enabled, they will fail to run on an older version, right?
(6:00:58 PM) thiago: ok, no link dependency
(6:01:12 PM) thiago: anyway, this is a longer subject than the release team can decide now
(6:01:20 PM) ablasche: the gpl license forced me to cut the link deps
(6:01:20 PM) thiago: we need to look into it in detail
(6:02:43 PM) jaheikki3: Yeah, I propose to continue this dicussion in ML & make official "decision" in some later irc meeting
(6:03:15 PM) ablasche: it boils down to sockaddr_l2 being extended by a new symbol. I faked forced the new symbol into the build on an old 12.04 and it still seemed to work. ::connect seem to ignore the additonal param
(6:03:54 PM) jaheikki3: ablasche: can you start the discussion in dev ML?
(6:04:23 PM) ablasche: jaheikki3: what's my question? I know what I need
(6:05:34 PM) jaheikki3: ablasche: I think just to propose updating packaging machines to Ubuntu 14.04 & give your reasons
(6:07:01 PM) ablasche: fair enough
(6:07:07 PM) fregl: jaheikki3: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/92878/ is busted, you might want to manually adjust it if it's in a hurry
(6:07:55 PM) jaheikki3: fregl: Ok, need to check that...
(6:08:45 PM) jaheikki3: We are running out of time so let's continue discussing 5.4 tools & versions in next meeting, OK?
(6:09:50 PM) jaheikki3: I propose to have a meeting next Monday 1st September at this same time, OK?
(6:10:19 PM) thiago: sounds good
(6:11:20 PM) jaheikki3: OK, lets end this meeting now & continue next Monday. Thanks & bye!
(6:11:26 PM) ankokko__: bye

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