[Releasing] Qt 4.8.7 release candidate 2 available

Salovaara Akseli akseli.salovaara at theqtcompany.com
Fri May 8 15:34:23 CEST 2015


Qt 4.8.7 release candidate 2 packages are available at http://download.qt.io/development_releases/qt/4.8/4.8.7-rc2/ and SHA-1 is frozen so please test these packages accordingly.

These packages are built against SHA-1: 445d29dbb8135944ff3a9283b7622de75d68e747 * Add Missing Debug Operator Declaration for QTouchEvent::TouchPoint (current HEAD)
which is compilation fix for INTEGRITY and at the same time the only change compared to Qt 4.8.7 release candidate 1.
Preliminary version of changes-4.8.7 file is available at http://download.qt.io/development_releases/qt/4.8/4.8.7-rc2/changes-4.8.7-rc2.txt

If blocker issues for Qt 4.8.7 release (i.e. new regression) are found please report those to bugreports.qt.io and raise issue also (with bug id) on releasing mailing list.

Akseli Salovaara
The Qt Company
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