[Releasing] Meeting minutes from Qt Release Team meeting 02.08.2016

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Wed Aug 3 07:50:32 CEST 2016

Meeting minutes from Qt Release Team meeting 2nd August 2016

5.8 branching and FF:

- qt5.git integration hasn't succeed since 3rd July in 'dev'. We will wait until new qt5.git integration is merged before starting soft branching from 'dev' to '5.8'

   * That way we can get solid baseline for '5.8' and 'dev' & we will be quite close to Alpha release at FF

   * FF will happen one week from date when soft branching starts

Qt 5.6.2 and Qt 5.7.1:

- Target to create first snapshots for testing as soon as possible and agree the schedule after first test results available

   * most probably we will try to release both during September

Next meeting 9th August 2016 16:00 CET



irc log below:

[17:00:05] <jaheikki3> akseli: iieklund: thiago: fkleint: ZapB: tronical: vladimirM: aholza: peter-h: mapaaso: ankokko: fkleint: carewolf: fregl: ablasche: ping
[17:00:41] <carewolf> pong
[17:00:41] <thiago> jaheikki3: pong
[17:00:46] <fkleint> jaheikki3L: pong
[17:00:57] <ankokko_> jaheikki3: pong
[17:02:29] <jaheikki3> Time to start qt release team meeting
[17:02:33] <jaheikki3> On agenda today:
[17:02:43] <jaheikki3> Qt 5.8 branching & FF
[17:02:55] <jaheikki3> Any additional item to the agenda today?
[17:03:36] <thiago> 5.7.1
[17:04:15] <carewolf> 5.7.1+5.6.2?
[17:04:19] <thiago> what's the plan for those, yeah
[17:05:08] <jaheikki3> carewolf: thiago: ok, we can shortly discuss those as well (even I am not yet fully in synch what is the status)
[17:05:29] <jaheikki3> Let's start from 5.8 branching & FF:
[17:05:56] <jaheikki3> It was targetted to start soft branching today & have FF for 5.8 9th August
[17:06:31] <jaheikki3> Unfortunately qt5.git integration hasn't succeed in 'dev' since beginning of July, see https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/q/status:merged+project:qt/qt5+branch:dev,n,z
[17:07:06] <thiago> probably due to vacations
[17:07:25] <thiago> I guess that fixing that and getting reviews through is this "soft freeze"
[17:07:31] <jaheikki3> I think it would be good to get qt5.git integrated in 'dev' before start branching. That way we would have solid base for '5.8' and 'dev' as well
[17:07:35] <thiago> but given that lots of people were away, we may need an extension
[17:08:42] <thiago> I agree we need to wait for the integration
[17:08:48] <thiago> how long does it usually take to resolve this issue?
[17:10:18] <jaheikki3> thiago: it depends :) Sometimes it takes lots of time and sometimes it is easy.
[17:11:21] <jaheikki3> lqi is finalizing merges from 5.7 -> to dev to make sure all needed fixes are in 'dev' as well. There is new changes in 'dev' all the time and that makes situation a bit harder but I hope we can get the integration passed during this week
[17:11:38] <thiago> ok
[17:11:50] <thiago> do you think the soft branch should wait until that happens?
[17:12:10] <jaheikki3> thiago: I think so.
[17:13:30] <jaheikki3> If we solve that in dev then we will have working base for '5.8' and 5.9 (='dev'). And in that case we should be pretty close to Alpha release in FF
[17:13:54] <jaheikki3> So spending some time still in 'dev' should save our time in the future
[17:14:03] <fregl> I'd also really like to see RHEL 7 added for packaging
[17:14:21] <fregl> because our linux packages look bad - no gtk, no gstreamer 1.0
[17:15:01] <jaheikki3> fregl: I agree. I know tosaraja and sifalt are working on that but unfortunately I don't know the latest status
[17:15:16] <thiago> fregl: that's not blocking, since we don't create binaries for alpha
[17:15:30] <thiago> jaheikki3: agreed, we'll wait for the merge to be successful before 5.8 is created
[17:15:37] <thiago> and then FF happens one week from that date
[17:15:38] <fregl> thiago: not for the alpha, but the sooner the better
[17:16:29] <jaheikki3> Yeah
[17:16:56] <jaheikki3> I think this was all from 5.8 at this time
[17:17:19] <jaheikki3> Then Qt 5.7.1 and Qt 5.6.2 status and plans
[17:18:23] <jaheikki3> Qt5.git integration seems to be succeed in '5.7' today
[17:18:39] <jaheikki3> and in '5.6' at the end of July
[17:19:11] <jaheikki3> So we should be able to produce first binary snapshots for Qt 5.7.1 and Qt 5.6.2 quite soon
[17:20:11] <jaheikki3> I think we should preparations to release Qt 5.7.1 quite soon, I would say at the beginning of September
[17:21:02] <jaheikki3> And release Qt 5.6.2 after that, somewhere mid sep
[17:21:47] <jaheikki3> At the moment I haven't checked the blocker lists for any of these but I'll start that immediately when we have first snapshots for testing
[17:23:12] <jaheikki3> Let's wait first testing results first & then agree the branching and releasing schedules
[17:23:21] <jaheikki3> Any comments or questions?
[17:25:16] <carewolf> sounds good, though why no the other way: 5.6.2 then 5.7.1
[17:25:22] <thiago> agreed
[17:25:42] <thiago> we'll need to think whether 5.6.3 & 5.7.2 are necessary before 5.8.0 final
[17:25:49] <carewolf> bug-fixes that affect both should go to 5.6 branch and then merged to 5.7, so merging that way seems more natural
[17:26:18] <carewolf> since 5.8.0 will be a long time from now, yes, we should have one
[17:26:53] <jaheikki3> carewolf: well, true. It might be better to release 5.6.2 first...
[17:27:27] <jaheikki3> Let's see that after we have some testing results available.
[17:28:39] <jaheikki3> And what comes to 5.6.3 and 5.7.2: It might be that we need to release one or both before 5.8 final but we will see that later, after 5.6.2 and 5.7.1 releases
[17:29:43] <jaheikki3> I hope we don't need to release those before 5.8 final but it might be possible if really needed
[17:30:26] <thiago> if there are lots of fixes for those, we should
[17:30:27] <jaheikki3> Doing 4 path releases + 5.8 alpha, beta, rc and final before Christmas is quite much...
[17:30:51] <thiago> but the point is that we should think about it later
[17:31:11] <jaheikki3> thiago: yeah, true. Let's check that a bit later
[17:31:42] <jaheikki3> ok, I think this is all at this time.
[17:32:04] <jaheikki3> Thanks for your participation. Bye!
[17:32:32] <thiago> wait
[17:32:42] <thiago> I wanted to ask if there's anything of 5.6.1-1 that needs discussing
[17:33:06] <thiago> anything we can learn from it, aside from "we need a process and will discuss @ QCS" ?
[17:33:36] <jaheikki3> thiago: Yes, i think there is but I think we should postpone that discussion a bit to get more people back from the vacation
[17:33:56] <jaheikki3> thiago: OK?
[17:34:29] <thiago> ok


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