[Releasing] Qt 5.8.0 API review

Edward Welbourne edward.welbourne at qt.io
Wed Sep 14 11:14:05 CEST 2016

>> Hmm.. This seems like an extremely heavy process.

I was also concerned at requiring reviewers to file bugs.
However, I do see why it's the natural way to proceed;
it fits better with the release team's existing work-flow.

>> Do a comment here or in the relevant gerrit.
>> Maybe propose a fix
>> File a bug
>> Attach the bug to the blocker (do we all even have rights to that?)

> It shouldn't be that big effort to raise a bugreport. Without it it is
> really hard to follow-up what needs to be fixed and when it is
> fixed. And adding it as a blocker list is just adding correct release
> in bug report's 'Fix Version(s)' -field.

Updated wiki page [0] to make this clear.
[0] https://wiki.qt.io/API_change_review


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