[Releasing] HEADS-UP: Branching from 'dev' to '5.10' completed

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Sat Sep 2 14:23:46 CEST 2017

Hi all,

We have completed branching from 'dev' to '5.10' today. From now on 'dev' is for Qt 5.11 and all changes targeted to Qt 5.10 release must be done in '5.10' instead.
If you still have some change open in 'dev'  and it must be in Qt 5.10 release you need to send a re-targeting request to Frederik Gladhorn (Ossi is on vacation).


From: Development [mailto:development-bounces+jani.heikkinen=qt.io at qt-project.org] On Behalf Of Jani Heikkinen
Sent: sunnuntai 27. elokuuta 2017 12.02
To: development at qt-project.org
Cc: releasing at qt-project.org
Subject: [Development] HEADS-UP: Branching from 'dev' to '5.10' started

HI all,

We have finally soft branched '5.10' from 'dev'. Target is to have final downmerge from 'dev' to '5.10'  Friday 1st September

Please finalize ongoing changes in 'dev' and start using '5.10' for new changes targeted to Qt 5.10.0 release.


Jani Heikkinen

Release Manager

The Qt Company

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